The dude who made it just had to study Jezebel for a month.
The dude who made it just had to study Jezebel for a month.
Hey look, you ARE an asshole
Men aren’t women. Stop pretending.
appreciate the sincere explanation, but it was meant in a joking manner. :)
does that mean we should write naruto as ‘nalt’?
Probably. It also takes place in Japan so that probably helps in terms of location.
Are you actually part of any of these groups or are you just hearing through the grape vine? I haven’t experienced any of this in either movies or video games being here in Japan. Drama actors here make 3-30K USD per episode and many decently popular movie actors can make 3-5 Million USD per year. While not grotesque…
Oh what happened to the porn ladies...i mean the cosplayers that you guys kept posting about? I thought that was the best one. Keep flip flopping !
Am I the only one who thinks cosplay on this site has gotten less and less authentic? I’m not saying that these people aren’t “real gamers” or BS like that, of course they are, and there’s a place for them, but it’s sad when a geek culture blog ONLY shows cosplay of unrealistically attractive instagram models who can…
Not much sense in hating a dead guy. If he were alive and were doing Hitler things, I’d hate him. But if that were the case, it would mean we were at war, and we could respond to him appropriately.
“A question that he asked was, ‘Well, if there was a radical Muslim out on the street, would you also be okay with him being punched?’ I said, ‘Yes! Do you forget where we grew up?’ If hate and violence and oppression are the cornerstones of your ideology, there’s no room for you in a society I want to build.”
He was only preaching anti-Semitism *ironically* over and over and over and...
What’s funny about it?
Well done. How very original, edgy, and pushing the boundaries. Anti-Semitic ‘jokes’, so fresh.
This comment is embarassing
Yeah, because being up to date with online culture is totally unhip. Because anything Nintendo touches is automatically not hip anymore.
Nintendo account uses a meme: corporate trash, meme ruined forever, how dare they
Talk about climbing on your proverbial soapbox. Geez, Ethan, Nintendo just took a trending joke and put its family friendly Mario spin on it. Nothing wrong with having a little fun. What’s with all the negative overanalysis? Of course people on twitter will give them crap and turn their own joke on them! It’s the…
You’re the worst.