
"Boy's crying is even me some earplugs." LMAO. CHILD, YES, I UNDERSTAND YOU COMPLETELY.

I JUST APPRECIATE THE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THAT SCARJO (WHO I WILL CALL THAT BECAUSE APPARENTLY SHE HATES IT) IS NOT A GOOD ACTRESS. Unbelievably gorgeous, but I'm not attracted to her pretty much solely because her acting ruins movies.

I don't think that's as pretty as either of them. But at least it's not one of those Franken-women where they choose one feature from a bunch of celebrities and then make a creepy image out of it.

That whole fight is stupid. The flight attendants should've just had one of them switch seats (him, probably).

I think this is my favorite dress - the color and cut are amazing.

I know. Everything from the way she is posing to the outfit.

Wow. Her attitude goes perfectly with this look. Stunning.

Gold diggers everywhere are wearing their coach bags at half mast today.

Oh nonono, I made a specific point at the end to say that no one should ever invade anyone's bubble! It's usually pretty clear when someone's not down!

My wife and I travel a fair amount for business and fun. Talking to strangers is key to elevating travel from being a chore to being interesting. How else do you find the best places to eat, get invited to local events, or figure out how to really move around inside a city?

Just recently I attended my Jewish friend's wedding. A group of ladies were hanging with the bride the day before (the Jewish term for this escapes me), and my wife and I shared how we wished someone had told us how hard the first two years would be. All the Jewish ladies were like, "Oh yeah, no kidding, of course,