
How are you doing this week?

Eeeek! Any chance he will mature in the coming years? It must be so expensive to deal with all the legal stuff.

Mmmm shortening. The reviews under the recipe are hilarious. I can only imagine the flavor. Ugh.

I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be. How old is your little one?

Thanks so much!

Ahaha you might get it on long enough for an awkward picture!

Ugh that’s awful. Hugs.

Haven’t had it but wanted to wish you a get well soon!

Hugs, this sounds excruciating. Hopefully it’s nothing serious and will get better on its own.



Welcome and hugs. You’re going through some tough times. I wish you success in your journey to sobriety. Let us know how you are doing next sNS.

Take care and grab some food and naps when you can.

Awww cheers :)

I’m intrigued! Does it taste like sweet beans? In my head beans are savoury so I can’t imagine them in a dessert. Haven’t tried red bean paste yet.

You would just snap one day, for sure....

Take care

Thanks! I took a quickie weekend course (and have probably forgotten most of it by now). All I’ve got at home is a breadboard. Is the soldering material safe to use in an apartment? Will check out the links tomorrow and make my wishlist :)

If this makes you mad now imagine how much madder you would be dealing with this again a year from now. Maybe time to get the ice cream? Still not an easy thing to go through though. Hugs.

You should be on your way home by now. Take care.