Thanks! English language: you are strange
Thanks! English language: you are strange
It just seems like infatuous (apparently not a word, but definitely should be) puppy love to me.
Y’all, I like Dasani and hate Aquafina and Ozarka. Am I broken?
Counterpoint: I love Masters of Sex. It’s dry but super interesting to me.
Y’all am I the only one who LOVES Ramsay? I think he is such a sexy villain. I named my dog (who, as it turns out, is a defiant asshole) after him.
Wasn’t she in the end not a zzzquil commercial too? Just laying in her bed satisfied with her sleep?
Where is the “I have no idea, I’m confused as to what I just watched”. Holy shit that was weird.
Word. Eileen seems nice enough but she is so socially awkward it’s unbearable. She really seems to only be there to say “hey I heard people were talking about this, let’s address it”
It’s confusing bc she certainly seems committed to going down with her personal ship that she is sinking. she seems to know she is screwing up and desperate for redemption and is “proud” (most likely ashamed) of being loud about it. She is like a 12 year old who got into their first argument.
Would be so much better is Sandoval didn’t bother singing. The other guy isn’t awful at all.
Oh agreed, 1000x
Many home-birthers go the unassisted route
Whoa, definitely thought Courtney Love was Ramona Singer there.
Could another record coming come in and buy her contract from Sony? I get their big and that would take big $$$ but the public is heavily on Kesha’s side on this one, it could work out really well for them, and obviously, Kesha as well.
I’ll have to check that out. Right now I get my Barbacoa fixes from Taco Cabana. Small world, I went to Marshall
Well howdy neighbor! I’m in Frisco
Yeah, I’ve actually lived in Houston and Austin too. I love DFW the best. I don’t live in Dallas proper so maybe that helps. I hated SA. Its a different place when you’re not a tourist. Nothing stays nice for long.
Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll have to check it out!
Having spent most of my life in SA, nothing compares. Honestly, Uncle Julio’s and Pappasitos (Chains, gasp!) are what we go for. All I want is some good barbacoa, fried eggs, and refried beans y’all.
I just feel bad for Austin drivers bc that city is growing and there is nothing they can do to expand the roadways. But yes, lots of idiots in Austin too.