why does everyone insist on making it abut themselves. I make about $100 a day and I’m in my early twenties. WE GET IT, YOUR “POOR”
why does everyone insist on making it abut themselves. I make about $100 a day and I’m in my early twenties. WE GET IT, YOUR “POOR”
all my textbooks together cost around $200 to rent for the quarter. But they are wildly expensive if you purchase them. it sucks because i pay my own tuition which is around $1500 (community college) and then on top of that i pay the outrageous textbook prices, which are not so bad when rented.
Wouldn’t it be better to fund someones short who doesn’t have funds?
lol while they ignore syrian refugees.
fun u
LMFAOOOO. I’m legit laughing. +100
she’s not lazy but a mixture of no talent. I know tons of people with a bunch of talents in the arts and cara delving gets all this praise because she’s pretty and gets to “co-opt” the poor culture while doing what we stand against.
she seems like a phony bisexual too.
“the middle”
ahh the middle seat. i can just sense the subtle aggression.
Lol someone has to be in the wrong. How is simulating rape not an endorsement of rape when he’s making money off of victims of sexual abuse?
except when they’re taken from india and what do they get in exchange? Colonization. btw i don’t believe they should have shutdown, just showing the other side. Blacks give culture and get nothing in return and white people try to say “we’re just exchanging" ...remember the exchange on thanksgiving?..
More than stoner humor, I’d say it’s more early to mid-twenties oriented humor. It’s just that most people in that age range happen to smoke.
wow look how amazing she is. Adele! Adele! Adele!
So true. I had friends like this in middle and high school.
What has she done besides sit on her ass and be praised?
ahh of course. the pseudo liberal. only care for white women who made strides but never focus on the Women of color who did.
fuck elite fashion shows
wow.. i never thought of it like that. My heart goes out to the children who have to go through this and some who never get out. I sometimes forget how fortunate i am.