
LAPD: We treat you like a King.

Unfortunately, “what should be” and “what is” aren’t always in agreement with each other, particularly when we talk law enforcement. But I never the less agree strongly with your statement.

Why did LAPD leave the Dodger game early?

Cops who are concerned with looking tough shouldn’t be cops.

With LA traffic, 400 miles might be the only amount of distance you can cover reasonably in two years.

Of course they did. Half of the features of my X3's tech package are only enabled by something like FIVE different subscriptions. It’s called ConnectedDrive because it directly connects BMW to your checking account.

As evil as Breitbart?

And we couldn’t have had Schindler’s List without Hitler, so...

I can’t imagine anyone having sex with this man willingly.

Jason, you are an idiot, but we all thought that long before this article. Plus, you’re OUR idiot.

TL;DR: if a dealer technician were inclined, here is what they look for before denying your warranty repair. Otherwise, they just decline you immediately.

Question #1. How much is this repair going to cost?
Answer: Alot

Question #2. Do we want to pay that money?
Answer: No, we don’t

Question #3. Is there anything we can possibly find to get out of paying that money?
Answer: They didn’t say the magic words correctly when retrieving the Necronomicon from our parts department


If it’s anything like the 9-speed box in the AMG C43 then I wouldn’t worry.

This will be a German-engineered transmission, not an American one, where simply another gear was added...

You seem nice.

I’m so sick of hearing about the police murdering compliant people in total absence of wrongdoing. I’m even sicker of the fact that they get away with it.

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

It’s finite like the total amount of argon in our atmosphere is finite.