
"Millenials are destroying the Comedy Scene"
"Millenials are destroying the housing market"
"Millenials aren't buying luxury goods"
"Millenials don't eat enough fishsticks"
"Millenials sometimes poop"
"Millenials have a problem with people being assholes for some reason"
"Millenials wish most baby boomers would fuck off and

I'm so balls deep in Prequel Memes, I can't even remember any lines from the OT.

About 15,000 of them.

Apparently the Maesters never actually read anything in the library, and are too busy being pompous.

"Welcome…to Dragonstone Island."

Actually that kid could've been about 2-3. Maybe 4.

And then the baby is immediately aged up 5 years.

Know how we were all jokingly saying that Gendry is endgame?

More like Snow Westeros, am I right? Cause name of place?


That's Dickon II

Sorry, shoulda clarified. He *thought* he could do anything.

I am also straight and I couldn't look away from his big hammer.

"All right, we need to get back to Cersei and warn her. Fortunately there's a shortcut right here that goes directly to King's Landing and completely around the, you know, victorious army we lost to."

He was the Prince, he could do anything.

Meanwhile Sam leaves the Citadel, effectively forsaking his vows, and unbeknownst to him he just became the heir to Tarleyville.

I didn't stop to read it, but someone else commented the same thing, and that's the only logical thing it could be.

At first I was like "Oh, Gendry cameo to close that loophole. He'll reunite with Davos, say a few lines and that he's good keeping his head down, and that'll be it."

"The Northern Lords aren't just gonna wait around for Jon like Ghost would."
"Yes, and there he is, laying there just off camera!"
"Yes, indeed! Hello, Ghost!"
**bad SE of a man with a monotone voice going "Woof" with no enthusiasm**
"Yep, that's our Ghost! Such a wolf."

Reminded me of the Patton Oswalt filibuster from Parks and Rec.