
And is not of African origin, but Arab / Asian from the middle ages and it first featured a turtle instead of frog. While the earliest known script featuring a frog is from 1954 by Orson Welles’ for the film Mr. Arkadin.

After writing an extensive post about cultural appropriation, i supposed you would be more

“You’re correct.... Sorry for the confusion.”

Nice sarcasm to avoid actually admitting that you did, in fact, utterly butcher the story YOU CHOSE to make some your point (such as it was).

Dag you missed the entire point of the scorpion story. The scorpion stings the frog when they are halfway across the river. The frogs turns to the scorpion and says “Why would you do that, now we both going to drown “, the scorpion shrugs and says “Its just my nature”. The point is the frog foolishly believed the

Larry Drew will take over as interim Lebron will continue as coach for the Cavaliers.

Dejan Lovren tried to defend Carragher’s actions on Saturday but instead somehow found a way to concede another goal.

Don’t do this.

Also in Anchorage so they could try and convince the University of Hawaii to become the 15th team in the Big 10.

My takeaway from this: “Keep on fucking that chicken, guys” will be my go to phrase for all purposes from now on.

Every few years there comes along a pretty accurate passer and the scouts collectively say, “Hurrrr, he’s too short. Probably can’t even see over the line.” Then they draft Brock Osweiler because you can’t teach that prototypical body type. And then Drew Brees and Russell Wilson kick everybody’s ass, and the

The only thing I’ll say here is that while I agree with him that the one and done rule is dumb, the reasoning behind it definitely has to to with color. Green. There are really only 2 college sports that most people give a shit about, football and basketball. If the best players in the country were allowed to go

I was laughing about this last night with my girlfriend. I think it was the girl before Goggia’s run he was talking about how mediocre she was skiing and how slow she was going, her tuck wasn’t good, then she hit the split timer and she had the fastest time of the day. He immediately switched to how fast she was going

We have every available person following all known leads

Now playing

i dont know why this came to mind instantly

Backwards countries? Is that supposed to be better than calling them Shitholes?

Use that bud lite tech where the label turns blue when cold!

WADA bunch of amateurs.

The Quarterback may not throw the ball. The Quarterback will have two (2) options for getting rid of the ball: