Old Datsuns were awesome I had a couple of them my first car was a 76 210 pretty cool car.
Old Datsuns were awesome I had a couple of them my first car was a 76 210 pretty cool car.
For the tens of thousands of Jeeps driven around Chicago I’m sure 98% of the drivers never heard of the “Jeep wave” its just another tall car for them.
I had a 4 pack of this in the fridge just a couple days ago.
Be Best is the followup for the Be Turd initiative for the trumpets.
Isn’t this one of those with the vinyl accents on the head light covers?
I guess this is a dumb question not being a trained law enforcement officer but is it common practice to just have a gun un-holstered in your pocket? That doesn’t see too intuitive, he’s fumbling the gun as he’s pulling it out of his pocket.
Sounds yummy. I’ll have to look for it.
Sean Spicer is probably the happiest un-employed person in the world today.
ok that makes sense with an auto trans didnt think about that.
So much fun until it rolls.
I see no problem with a Matrix, + for being a hatchback, + for being reliable / toyota. Look for the XRS those come with the 2ZZ-GE motor and should be about 180HP not sure if they offered AWD in that trim. That motor should have some upgrade options too if you want to do anything along those lines down the road. The…
You could say that about any Marvel movie vs Justice League, the effects were horrible in JL like it was like Scorpion King 2017. I still dont understand why they couldn’t have used traditional effects for Steppenwolf, he was some guy with horns and armor.
I wouldn’t stop him from using the highway, the police and Tesla should be working together on this where they provide the violation information to Tesla and they should disable this guys autopilot for a year, after that they have to have take a class and routinely monitored for further offenses.
How is the windshield cracked at the beginning of the video?
Bad idea because they now loose the ability to sell fleet cars, rentals, and in-expensive first cars for students. I could be wrong but I would think a base model fiesta was cheaper than the base explorer if thats the cheapest SUV.
To get the amount of storage space from that wagon you would need to go to a mid - large size suv. The way it will work out is we’ll get tall cars with a whole 10" inches of space behind the back seat but at least they sit up higher and are useless off road.
I could have the best hardware in the world in my washroom and still have to deal with the 100+ bottles / containers of my wife’s product falling off my counter, out of my medicine cabinet, off the window sill etc. Thus ruining the experience for me.
Anyone “driving” in Chicago rush hour traffic is not missing the 3rd pedal.
Hasn’t this issue been resolved by using bamboo coffee stirrers? Isnt it like the fastest growing plant in the world?
Hop bitterness is in every beer that you drink regardless of style the level of it of course varies between styles, scotch ales are sweeter, pilsners are more bitter etc. I think there are lots of misconceptions from non-craft drinkers (not the people commenting here) where they’re confusing hoppy flavor with…