
If you voluntarily enter the “public rights” of the States by incorporation, don’t be surprised by regulation, taxation and other. I stopped using corporate structures as I don’t want to be the State’s bitch and generally speaking the only advantage is limited liability.

Local municipalities are incorporated, generally as well.

There a few things wrong with the discrimination angle.... 1.) he was not an employee, and they will have somehow prove he was 2.) trans- is not a protected class, generally 3.) although he complained to hr it doesn’t suggest it was followed up on during the time period 4.) no explanation how the discrimination from

It was a contractor, not an employee, the first hurdle they are going to have climb is proving he was an employee.... I see nothing in the complaint that would show he was an employee, but that is why you have fact finding.

Even if the facts in the complaint are true, I am having a hard time understanding what is improper, illegal, unethical, or even immoral about it. It seems to me Valve went beyond the call of duty give him a job for 4+ years. The mistake Valve made was not saying “bye” in 2012. Just my take.

Even, if the facts are true, which even in the complaint seem to indicate otherwise, it doesn’t matter as far as “transgender”. Generally speaking, its not a protected class anymore than a “Transwhale” (someone that identifies with being a whale and wants species altering surgery to be a whale, of course just as