I’m dying laughing. There are exactly zero meaningful numbers in this report! Not one!
I’m dying laughing. There are exactly zero meaningful numbers in this report! Not one!
Yeah. SUPER biting political commentary there. Haha imagine if he called Donald Trump ORANGE too! Can you imagine such a world?
No, Hillary, this doesn’t make you electable either.
I get the meme, and I get that its meant to be funny because its been taken to such an extreme. But, I feel like the genuine danger of this joke has missed enough people that its worth saying: There are no aliens at Groom Lake. There is something much, much more serious that the US government will absolutely kill to…
How does The Root not know what shade is?
Pink is the most overrated and over-hyped performance artist since Elvis.
You’re the guy who works in the entertainment industry and is lining up to buy a marginal phone upgrade for $1000 with the specifically stated purpose of using it to replace a new DSLR, which it can’t. And if you’re just taking social photos, then you understand a kit lens would do the trick just fine, and the cost of…
Inaccurate headline.
Boy if you don’t
Boy if you don’t
Unless this phone is for Pro’s Pros, no.
TO BE FAIR, Brown promised to defend all guys who have been falsely accused of sexual assault, so he absolutely did that shit.
You’re too triggered, and that’s not what is happening in this situation.
That’s not the reason.
Yeah, no shit.
To be fair...she’s been involved with at least a few other low-level celebrities, so that at least places her above Blake.
Lifehacker doesn’t do facts.