
Nah, dude, it’s cool. Keep focusing on the armed teachers thing. Keep on going with that. It’s probably the only thing you should worry about, in fact, the only thing to come out of this shooting. And the next one too, so I hope you practice up on that strawman. Nothing else to see at all. Most important thing is

Yeah man, think of all the sweet, sweet loot boxes they could have made for THIS shit. BUYING more lives? With, like, gems or some shit? Available in the store now? I’m hard already.


Ford sees the time is now.

I skimmed it. The most important part was where the cops did the shrug emoji about shooting innocents.

No, thank you. I’m all good.

Which I don’t think anybody has mentioned post-this indecent, except as a strawman to attack a target that can and should be much more vigorously attacked for what they DO say each and every time. Arming teachers is a galactically stupid idea, everybody agrees, but why bring that up now? Why argue that when what we

I have no need to counter your argument, because your argument is pretty superfluous, frankly.

Nobody said any of that except you, and I refuse to make your shit argument for you.

We as a country should indulge this, as it would be an invaluable learning experience for Trump.

Bud, this is your argument, not mine. I’m just trying to get you to consider that the very point you’re trying to make is already more throbbingly made by the fact that the people sent in to “save” innocents in situations like this one aren’t well-qualified to do so. Fuck training teachers, obviously, because the COPS

Except it implies that nobody is better trained to shoot in this scenario than the police force, which is wrong. They are, best case scenario, minimally trained and lackadaisically qualified.

You realize that American police handgun training and re-certification is woefully inadequate, right? That it should under no circumstances be the basis for any other handgun training requirements in the world, right? You realize that.

Yes, this is also a race issue, but more generally it’s a predator practices issue. Yes, generally speaking, minority people suffer the most FROM predatory lending practices, but that doesn’t change that actually, this majorly impacts every single living person in America. Don’t lose track of that part.

I too wish there were more types of meat to eat :/

Oh for fuck’s sake

Wasn’t this the most-ticketed car in America for a while?

FCA can’t make a decent small car here in the states. What makes you think they could make a Corvette fighter?

Woah hey cool let me know when they hit their first production target cool thanks

Joke is on those people since Tesla only has 9 to sell.