
Dude, I’ve been vaping for 6+ years and up until THIS year, none of this has ever happened before. What has changed? Nothing on the nicotine side, it’s actually been more regulated recently then before. This is nothing more then funding skewed research results, on a pitifully tiny subset of the population.

Used it few times since yesterday. I agree, needs a bit more time to develop. The voice recognition is not really based on the app but the android service built into the OS. Based on the pop-up, it will get better the more you use it as it figures out how you speak. I've done plain English speaking with no obvious

Did this up for a bush flying site... my alias over there actually. Just had to share. :)

Did this up for a bush flying site... my alias over there actually. Just had to share. :)

Everybody with their panties in a wad about this is just overly dramatic. I would hope that the pilots of commercial airlines are capable of using a radio and looking out the window to see if there's traffic in front of them during the wee hours of the morning. This is non-news and pathetic sensationalism. There is

At times to the slight annoyance of others with slightly longer answer times, I use GV for voicemail and get the same feature set that I would have to pay extra for if I was using AT&T's premium vmail service. Getting transcripts of what you missed via email is the bomb—even if you have do a little error checking to

@w1llk - Undoubtedly Cookies: Fiancées' power is insignificant to a full operational wife. I'm now getting orders to burn those lovely episodes so that the in-laws may watch too.

@lilbit0hell: Well said. However, it still doesn't matter what we do or not do on the world stage. The fact that we're the top dog on the planet (or were at the time, see China) means that everyone looks to us for something, be it good or bad. The only solution is to close up the borders, eliminate any foreign

@lilbit0hell: Our foreign policy now is a direct result of the whole war on terror thing. I'm sure after 9 years you actually forgot the daft reasoning for the whole 9/11 attack. Our foreign policy before the attacks wasn't anywhere near as active militarily as it is now. Al Qaeda's reasons for the attack was our

@hawkeye18: It's too early for THAT examination! I'm only 4.7M years old!

"Mr. Schultz is a certified Space Tourism Specialist and graduate of Space Tourism University 2010."

It is THE best gift idea for the doctor friends. Only thing I would fix on this is the timer/brown-level slider. Need to have a small icon above the line with a silhouette of a fly, mouse, dog, horse and elephant.

@lilalienpup: No it's not. That's not a discount from the dealer/MFG, that's a tax credit from the Fed. GM gets $41k for the car. That's still twice as much as a base model Prius, and my point still stands, it's priced for the guilty stock broker types not the average household. For $41k I would rather have a car

Why is it that this whole green thing is turning into something for the elitist rich folk? I mean, c'mon, $41k for a car that is styled like an economy compact priced at half that? So on average the typical owner for a car priced at that needs to make $75k/yr or more to "afford" the financing to get a car that is

So many Arduino project that have been, neat but not all that inspiring to go and dive into it... until now.

@FalconFour: The other two guys are right. But not only do you have to wait on LG to figure out what to do to update it and make it work with whatever cosmetic alterations they may have, you also have to wait on your carrier to add their own bells and whistles to the mix. Usually, from the history so far, a minimum

@Lite: an adventurer is me!: And? The A380 and the 787 are super jumbos. For most of us, we'll never see the inside of them until we're on a non-stop trans-oceanic flight. The bulk of most fleets are smaller jets such as the old but ever pervasive 737 as they can land at all the major airports, keep the seats

@ortizlgnd4: Due to tectonic shifting, earthquakes, tidal waves, volcanoes in area, etc, a flood—even on a massive scale—occurred everywhere at some point at different times. But it's not due to the earth's rotation stopping, magnetic polar shifts or anything on the scale this article talks about. The Pangea that

It translates to: