You only get one chance to make a first impression, and for many games, that happens at E3. The annual mega show is…
You only get one chance to make a first impression, and for many games, that happens at E3. The annual mega show is…
These aren’t the same people killing themselves....?
The images on the right look really washed out. I like the tone more of the original, I guess.
The Destiny news cycle is a god damned roller coaster. HATE. LOVE. OK. WHAT. NO. GOD. NO. OH THAT’S COOL. IT COSTS HOW MUCH. OH BUT THAT SOUNDS COOL TOO. THEY FIXED IT. OK. HATE. LOVE.
Destiny isn’t something we’re willing to talk about right now.
The running theme of this interview....
“The Taken King Collector’s Edition Digital Content consists of: (3) Class Specific Emotes, (3) Armor Shaders, and (3) Exotic Class Items with XP Bonuses.”
Oh, We’re sorry. Here, let’s fix it but giving you what you ‘want’ by waaaay overcharging you for a couple of emotes, colors, and items. Remember when $20 would net…
Could have written your comment myself. It sounds ridiculous, but I’ve never had a relationship with a game like the one I have with Destiny. I might play a game and love it and play it a zillion times, consuming any expanded universe stuff (movies, books, etc). I might play a game and hate it and regret the money I…
$40 for one new explorable location, when the base game shipped with four locations at $60 and even that was considered underwhelming.
(assuming you have a compatible phone) Buy a Google cardboard and try one of the scary VR apps. It’s a cheap alternative with good bang for your buck. (again, assuming you have a compatible phone already)
You said this isn’t a problem then went on to list the ways this is clearly a problem. This is clearly an issue - how isn’t it? Players new to the game are automatically at a permanent disadvantage, and those who were unlucky with rolls in the past are stuck at said disadvantage. It also clearly removes a big…
He asked himself, “should I plagiarize multiple people?”.
Spent alot of time on this one. Hope you like it.
I put a huge watermark this time because I’m sick of people ripping and taking credit for my videos.
I know :( I guess they had a good interview with Roggie Feels Amir about the upcoming Legend of Hilda: Lonk’s Sleepytime too.
Lorem Ipsum: The Game
Now to see if Elvis, Andy Kaufman, Hitler and John Lennon are actually alive there!
Maybe all the real versions are in Russia and the doppelgängers are the ones in Hollywood that we watch on the screen?