
Well I just hope you are right. I’ve never met anyone above the rank of bishop in the ward. The folks I know debate in all seriousness whether one’s mortal soul is in peril if the number 666 appears in one’s social security number. I have never known a more superstitious, fearful, and reactionary bunch of people in my

I honestly do not know if that is true — my sister in law is Utah Mormon and I swear Trump could shit on a freshly laundered basket of temple garments and she would just chirp, “Well who hasn’t erred among us? Forgiveness is the cornerstone of faith!” and vote for the stupid fucker. Because the Tea Party is all in

Yep. I don’t want to just see him defeated - which is basically all but assured, now - but I want him beaten so bad that this iteration of the GOP crawls back in its hole and dies and let some other group of folks lead the conservative movement.

God bless you, Mr. Pussywater!

Also, I have spent a decent amount of time in USC’s Doheny Library, which USC President Rufus B. VonKleinsmid essentially extorted from Edward Doheny in exchange for testifying (falsely) as a character witness for Doheny.

Translation: I’m embarrassed and ashamed this came to light. This happened eleven years ago, when I was already a spineless little shit who took no issue with what Trump was saying because I like to hang with the bros so that I can feel like one of them.

And Billy Bush has already closed down his Twitter acct.

This day long association of Trump and pussy has caused my vagina to tense and clamp close.

Unfriend her immediately.

not shade — if the comment had been left up and said poster put up a NEW FB status that said “don’t you hate it when people think they know everything about youth culture because they read ‘shade court’”

that would have been hard core shade.

(p.s. not insulting the lovely Kris-the-Needlessly-Defiant, just giving an

Not shade.

Nah. Shade is not blatant.

is erasing a comment shade?

So although far from a shade expert, I try to educate the people as best I can. This week a Facebook friend posted something about Tim Kaine throwing shade at Mike Pence (it was nothing close to shade). I commented explaining why this was not, in fact, shade. And she ERASED my comment.