
My money's on Old Age.

I could see Ellaria and the Sand Snake surviving and becoming hostages, but I think Yara's done for.

I thought she looked vaguely familiar! She was fantastic in Escape! Really hope we get to see some more of her at some point. I liked that she kind of started off as an incidental character and then ended up getting a backstory that tied into everything else.

I thought he probably raped her, buuuuut how'd that gun get in the hay? Maybe… he put it there?

It seemed implied in the first episode when he dragged Dolores off to the shed.

I liked Westworld V. 1.0 with all the creative profanity.

He still sports that white and black face paint. For a while he replaced it with a design inspired by Heath Ledger's Joker, but he eventually returned to the black and white look.

i have to admit that the sequels soundtrack never really connected with me like the first. But, holy crap, White Zombie and Hole's contributions were great and I think they still hold up to this day as fantastic tracks.

Have they even mentioned the Stormlands in the series? I honestly don't really remember it being a factor at all. Kind of a shame, but, well.. eh.

You sure are excited about Qyburn's new position!

Great point. The other Iron Fleet's gotta turn up at some point and Euron's probably got more experience at naval combat than anyone on Dany's side.

Yep, I was being a little sarcastic and making a bit of a joke when I called it brilliant. It's almost completely unthinkable, not only for the waste of life, but because it wasted his cavalry. The cavalry's a pretty important part of the army and he blew it on building a wall of corpses.

It was specifically mentioned last episode in a conversation between Davos and Jon.

But he had a brilliant strategy to trap and capture Jon's forces! All it required was the sacrifice of a sizeable portion of his cavalry to create a giant corpse wall. Genius, clearly. XD

Something he specifically mentioned not wanting to have happen the night before! Argh!

That wall of bodies developed surprisingly fast too.

I wanted him to head over the flaming flayed men for cover. :(

I figured they hit up Essos or did some exploring or something. They only mentioned Euron going really far abroad, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility that others conducted raids on parts of Essos as well.

I thought they'd flay him alive, the dogs worked well though.

He's in Braavos because he's been paddling in the wrong direction for the last three seasons.