
still one of the funniest things that ever happened was that producer giving himself the job. gotta admire the stones, frankly.

she’s making great use of that PhD hocking the same kind of magic brain pills the right wing nuts do

I do have a serious problem with the critics who couldn’t heap enough praise on Dunham— especially the ones who have otherwise made a show about being feminists, allies, etc.— just being absolutely silent about her lying to protect a rapist on her writing staff, molesting her sister, etc.

Aside from Bialik’s other shortcomings, she just feels all wrong for Jeopardy. Her disposition is that of a too-happy morning show host and it really doesn’t seem like she knows the answers half the time? Alex always was about to tell you right away whether they got it right or not but there’s always this hesitation

Neat. I’ll continue not watching Jeopardy! with anti-vaxxer, brain pill shiller, victim blamer, Mayim Bialik.

It should be crystal clear by now that Dunham does not write characters that anyone wants to watch. I thought the first season of Girls had its moments, but I firmly believe it was because she had help. The longer the show went on, the more unlikable, unappealing, irredeemable, and repulsive the characters became.

Loving or hating Lena Dunham feels so 2013.

Girls was pretty insufferable in its “Look how hard it is for us affluent white girls” but after it ended Dunham really put the “look at how much I suck” train into overdrive.

Here’s a good time to point out that Dunham has, many times, been a magnet for unjust criticism.”

Nah, I was honestly being a total dick, but ESJ’s breathless admiration was just too hilarious not to be. I might also have had a bit of a SA problem at the time, which is less excuse than explanation.

Sorry, I don’t keep up. It was unintentional. Good to know though so I can keep avoiding her work.

I remember when I almost got tossed from the site and created a huge brouhaha by suggesting the LD maybe wasn’t the generational voice TVDW thought she was. Good times. 

True fact: The show is not genius if you can’t decide if it’s genius or not. Shit ain’t that complicated.

Rest well, James, you had a fantastic run. You never gave a phony performance. You held your own against The Duke in “El Dorado” and were achingly good in Michael Mann’s seriously underrated “Thief.” One of the last of the great ones.

Thief is excellent, and Caan’s talent/range as an actor fit really well with Mann’s whole thing. RIP to a legend.

He forgot about the prequels?

It was Clerks 2 for me. I used to love ViewAskew so much that I have actually been to the Quick Stop even though I live in Canada. But Clerks 2 just felt like it was written based on a check list of jokes and references that Smith thought that fans were expecting, rather than making something new and interesting. The

Most of these jokes are “Remember these jokes?”

So Smith’s creativity has fallen so low he’s now just doing the same “meta” schtick that was his last film.

In a row?!