
Thanks in part to the wallet destroyer that is the Steam summer sale, I got quite a bit of gaming in this week despite only buying four games in said sale, and playing three of them. The purchase I didn’t play was Portal 2 which I mostly bought to celebrate finally finishing the original Portal last week.

I figured that was either Tara Strong just being awesome, or it means she’s showing up in Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness, which Loki seems to be at least in part a prequel to.

Certainly that’s exactly what I’m looking for. I just want to play through the entire Final Fantasy mainline games from I through XV on my PC. I'd happily play the early ones wrapped in a NES/SNES emulator shell.

Hey hey!

Only for 28 days or so

Any Yugo and a late 80s Taurus

I feel like Neil Patrick Harris missed his window of opportunity for that one.

Yes. My favorite Bond movie is an objectively bad one. A View To A Kill.

namorIn 2031, Phase 7 kicks off with Namor the Sub-Mariner with a trailer soundtracked by a Bon Iver style cover of WAP.

I want a Roger Moore Bond-flavored MCU entry, so this sounds fun.

Guess who just got back today?

Unlike your movie examples, at least WAP was fun.

Nah, it’s gonna be Sakurai himself. With a sword.

This is clearly Waluigi’s moment to shine!

I liked him as Craig in Doctor who. 2 episodes and out.

And is extremely tasty. But I’m one of those weirdos who likes chicken hearts and gizzards, so organ meat isn’t much of s tretch. Hard to beat a good Steak & Kidney pie as well.

As someone who’s never heard of this particular Twitter nonsense, is #TheStory worth seeking out? And will the movie appeal to those with no prior knowledge.

This is high art.

That was a consequence of the EA/BioWare purchase and a suddenly insanely compressed release cycle, wasn’t it? I’m still in the first act, so haven’t fully noticed it yet, even if some of the dungeons layouts have felt a bit samey. Of course, I mostly play games for the stories and banter, so map/asset reuse bugs me