Mrs. Bennet's Nerves

Bunbury? Really?

I have only one request for a car “for ladies”-- a place to put my fucking purse that’s not the passengers seat! How hard is that?

Really? Age difference is still a thing?? I wear white after Labor Day. Dad’s black and Mom is white. Same sex marriage finally exists. How about the consenting adults thing? Kinda ageist, no?

“Who wants to tell him about Braveheart?”

I feel no pity for this woman. Not once in the chat log was there anything alluding to rape, just the song. The rape portion of the song wasn’t even what they were joking about. The guy apologized MULTIPLE times, and yet she still felt the need to email Tim Cook (who by the way won’t read this petty crap anyways

I don’t think Ava DuVernay needs to have seen a bunch of European high fantasy movies to have a good frame of reference for this movie. While the book (and series) is fantastical, the setting of this one is more like science fiction. (Based on the core themes I’d still classify it as fantasy though math, esp, and

That was fantastic.

A fucking white button down that doesn’t immediately pop open at my boobs.

Sounds like Headland is still not familiar with the source material.

Of all of the bizarre political twists and turns this country has taken, the strangest one is this: the fetishizing, and elevating, of symbolic gestures, while actual words and actions have become almost irrelevant.

Don’t forget Sir NotAppearinginthisShow.

A side question: At what point did “Support the Troops” morph into “Worship the Military?”

Confession time: I actually liked Selfie and was kind of sad it got cancelled.

No mention of the role she’s ACTUALLY best known for, Amy Pond from Doctor Who? FOR SHAME.

The dumbass caused an international incident by lying about his drunken behavior and skedaddled, leaving his friends and teammates holding the bag, and causing embarrassment to both Americans and Brazilians.

Hygiene, really?! The ways in which my body is policed by men (and other complicit women) using “hygiene” as an excuse are myriad, and yet a very large chunk of those men seem unable to flush, wash dishes, or keep their crevices fresh.

Dak feels like he could take on the entire Empire himself!

The joke is that he’s posting it like a threat, IF WE ONLY WE FIXED THIS PROBLEM, WE WOULDN’T HAVE THIS OTHER PROBLEM, but by naming what makes these losers so angry, he shows both how absolutely absurd they are, AND how absurd it is that THEY’RE the group being so excessively catered by mass media. These asshats are