
Fuck, this keyboard...so much dust.

Sounds like he’s...gone Rogue. I’ll show myself out thanks. *walks out door, falls into sarlacc pit*

You’re spot on with the mentor/father-figure assessment. The fanboy in me hopes that Alton was supportive/encouraging with him following the pilot cancellation rather than the later...but you never know what goes down behind the scenes of the Mark Summers’ edible empire.

I can’t disagree with you there. The wearing of glasses that are suited for an elderly woman at a bingo hall is certainly a means to create a terrible first impression. :-)

For those bashing him over a brief first impression, I’d encourage you to check out the season of Next Food Network Star he was on. He’s quite humble and extremely creative with his approach to food. Damn shame his pilot didn’t take off, he would’ve been better suited for a late night show vs. Sunday morning cooking

I believe the term is, Fanvalanche.

Fuck Grunfeld and his pedophile mustache. Why Uncle Ted has kept this shitbag on the payroll this long is beyond comprehension.

I Prey this is as good as it looks. I’ll show myself out, thanks.


Aaaaand there goes my social life. Looking forward to jumping into FFXV.

Doing the Lord’s work, you are.

Dammit Walter. +1

Verizon is the same, the amount of upgrading I had to do just to obtain Doc Fucking McStuffins was ridiculous.

Van Gundy seems a bit Pist off. I’ll show my way out, thanks.

I for one appreciate your candid response and equally “no frills” review. Looking forward to reading more. Cheers.

This is the correct response. +1 clean towels.

I laughed more at this than what was needed. I regret nothing.

“Compare Surface Pro 4 and Binders With Paper” Bravo you magnificent bastard.

Booking Team: “Hey Vince, we have a couple opponents in mind for Brock’s match at ‘Mania: Owens, Cesaro, Bray, or maybe we reach out to Kur–”

Does this guy know how to party or what?