
The ANTics of Kickstarter funded games. I’ll show myself out, thanks.

One of my favorite panels, it still resonates with me to this day. I feel the urge to go back and do some rereading. Sidenote: It’s a shame the other DLC wasn’t up to this caliber. A damn shame.

I believe the real question on everyone’s mind is why is it that the filthy rich NFL owners looks like terrible 70's porn actors (at best)? Do they not have the funds to hire a stylist or someone to simply say “hey, the pseudo Magnum P.I./pedophile look was so 1987.”

One and Dunn. I’ll show myself out, thanks.

One of the few games that gets better the (no pun intended) deeper into it you get. So many fond memories. Would you kindly replay this? Fuck yeah I would...and will.

This is absolutely beautiful. I think I may have to adjust the brightness on my screen as my eyes seem to be tearing.

Bolded and underlined copy? Damn, they are serious.

Itagaki’s first mistake was working with THQ.

Don’t blame me, I voted for Bud Black.

Now, call me crazy, but why can’t those who are offended by such depictions of females simply choose not to buy the fucking game in the first place? Or slap an Adult’s Only rating on that shit and call it day? Don’t like games with flapping, gravity defying boobs or a female protagonist slicing up enemies that are

I can’t help but feel that the Lerner’s had a cookout with Dan Snyder sometime in the past year and are meddling. Rizzo is a smart GM. He knew what would happen to Storen if they brought in Michael Chokes a’ Harper. That move seemed like an impulsive owner-driven move vs. a Rizzo calculation. The current Manager

I actually think the characters look a helluva lot less “wooden” than previous iterations. They actually show emotion!

While we’re talking about privacy, rights, blah blah blah. His name is Brett Magnuson. Silly bastard already removed his LinkedIn profile, but the internet never forgets.

Brilliant piece, tragic, but brilliant.

I...I can’t stop staring.

Fuck. Yes. *drops lightsaber, walks away*

Nail on the head. I marked over Banks’ “steal the bow from the little girl” heel tactic. Reminds me of the Million Dollar Challenge from one Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase. Epic shit.

Infinite starts for you!

Welp, this fucking sucks.