
Once upon a time in Virginia, around Jan/Feb 2010, there was a massive blizzard. I was essentially trapped in my house for 5 days...trapped with fresh copies of Mass Effect 2 and Bioshock 2. I remember completing Bioshock 2 once and ME2 two or three times during those 5 days. The one thing I don’t remember it sleep.

I’m still looking for the interview so I can post a link. From what I remember, Jens said that they were going to see how much of a challenge it would be to port from PC to PS4. Depending upon the difficulty, they’ll access whether or not to port to XBone. Hopefully that’s secret code for “Yes.” :-)

I’ve been following this one since the short teaser gameplay trailer awhile back and the couple YouTube productions. So hyped for the release and am happy to throw my money at Friction Games without hesitation.

I believe they commented somewhere on their forums...I can’t seem to find the link, but if memory serves me correct, I believe the response of the good ol’ “never say never” variety.

Nailed it! Definitely spit up some coffee after reading this. Well played.

Fuck. I regret hitting play. Welp, I won’t be sleeping tonight.

That wasn’t Chloe who fell off the roof, that was Kate. That’s also an optional consequence in that it’s possible to actually save Kate. With regards to Chloe, the player has no choice but to alter the past and be met with the consequence.

Great game. The dialogue is fine given the characters are West Coast high school kids. I was pumped after I managed to save Kate, but ultimately knew nothing good would come from Max fucking around with the past. For those posting about Max’s reaction upon seeing Chloe after she altered the past, I’m pretty sure

Yup, sure is. They’ve just kept quiet about it to keep the PR/marketing focus leading up to Witcher 3. Cyberpunk 2077 is very real and if it’s even a fraction as good as Witcher 3, I don’t think there’s an animated GIF on this e-planet that would depict my excitement/hype.

Extreme, most definitely. However, if a temporary XBone banning/brick is the only punishment they get instead of say, legal action heavy fines, etc., they should consider themselves lucky. Perhaps next time they should read the terms of the NDA a bit closer prior to signing or not break it.

Dammit, you beat me to it. I couldn’t control my fandom when I heard this live while watching WM. Great pull.

For those keeping track, the current amount funded is $486,229 of $500,000. This is only the first day. Suck it Konami.

I propose a new stretch goal that, when met, will enable a middle finger- shaped blimp to flyover Konami HQ for a period of no less than 48 hours.

I don’t always fund Kickstarter campaigns but, when I do, it’s because I want to fight a shark- chested snake-armed talon-footed bat-winged unicorn-horned man.

Spot-on write-up. I almost hope that all these ladies remain on NXT, to be “called up” to the main roster is typically (though not always) the kiss of death. NXT has secretly become the best product by the WWE in that it manages to put wrestling first, while still injecting storylines that don’t drag on or require 30

This is nice breath of fresh air (pardon the terrible cliche’). This type of transparency and direct communication via a “town hall” meeting with fans is a win/win for everyone involved. I wonder if EA would ever try something...sorry, I can’t even finish that sentence without laughing. Cheers.

The fact that the posts continue to display is the icing on the cake. Well done.

The Elaine Dance. Nailed it.

I seriously can't stop laughing at this, thanks for making my day.

How does this not have more stars????