
Are you some kind of soothsayer, or what?

I just read your discussion history. I think I love you.

This comment cured my cancer. +1

He plays like he’s never even been to Lithuania.

Just here for the comments:

Ooh, I have a great mindfulness app I use on my phone! It’s fantastic for when you’re in the bathroom and can really shut out the craziness of the modern day.

“he will remember how hard his father worked WITH him and for him and were willing to do what HE wanted for HIS perceived benefit.”

Missed a great opportunity to teach your kid about hard work, earning your rewards, and knowing that you can’t always get everything you want. I know this because I have no kids, that makes me an expert on this.

I’m glad I’m not the only one side eying this. The only White “anti racist” that I’d trust at this point is Jane Elliot.

I HAVE a fantastic grampa. He’s still kicking, but he’s 96 and really frail, but still able to ride his bike daily, and sneak a fucking Marlboro Red thinking nobody is aware he is sneaking a cigarette once a day. He’s got his recliner, his books, and his television with CNBC and MSNBC lol. Then his nature shows, loves

Well I’ll be goddamned. Good on you boys! Now keep it up.

See white folks, this is how you show yourself to be an ally. Take a stand, challenge your brethren and be willing to do something to make change happen. These cats have a uphill battle and I wish them all the luck and blessings.

HamNo-esque. But without a direct call to eat the rich, it was clearly not him.

I quit watching regularly sometime around the Jim/Pam engagement, but every once in a while I’d tune in to see how the show was progressing and in the last few seasons it did seem to me that the show was asking us to view Michael and even Dwight sympathetically, which always seemed like a surefire sign that it had


Why take the effort to put things into historical context when you can sneer at them for free profit?

Scouting report:

This probably won’t really hurt CSE in any way, seeing that all of Wood’s clients were all washed up.

Carthage, on the other hand...

I was called monkey lips by some white boys back in grade school. I simply said, “Monkeys don’t have lips. Just like you don’t have lips. Monkeys are hairy. Just like you people are hairy. Monkeys have long ears. Just like you have long ears when you get old. You’re the monkey white boy.” I’m still proud of myself for