No, if they were 1337, they’d be h4x.
No, if they were 1337, they’d be h4x.
On May 8, 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. granted an interview to veteran NBC News correspondent Sander Vanocur and …
It’s okay. The Lakers are young and exciting and the Yankees are always pretty good; but damn, sorry about bama.
So you’re saying he’s just like a kid out there? I look forward to seeing photos of his Crocs.
What kind of monster plays backyard ball without his father
Whenever a black person diverges from the path of respectability and voices an opinion contrary to the mainstream…
My (short) husband and I call this “our song” because we’re both short and because we aren’t romantic enough to have an actual “song.”
Came here to post this.
As a once resident of Cobb County and current resident of neighboring Fulton County, I assure everyone that Cobb County Enforcement does not give a shit about who lives in your house or what you do there, as long as you aren’t causing a disturbance. The issue here is they pissed off a ranking member of their…
There it is!
So, this slow, inexorable death of humanity...
He’s reading a WikiHow article about how to throw an egg at San Diego Chargers headquarters.
Is he attempting to photodocument himself in the act, or is this some esoteric Google Fit setting I don’t know about?
The saddest part of this whole thing is that everyone said their goodbyes a year ago. The fans of San Diego gave a…
Nathan, that is not “funk;” that is “soul” or given the era, “disco.” If you want “funk” you have to go to Parliament, George Clinton, Funkadelic, Prince, or others. How do I know? I grew up on this stuff and in my college days, used to produce a radio show called “Soul in Stereo.”
I know, I know. Everything on this list is wrong. Frank’s Brother is the worst episode.
Not to mention, why the hell is The D.E.N.N.I.S. System so low?! And Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody’s Ass. ROCK FLAG & EAGLE!!!!!!!!
No way...Who got Dee Pregnant HAS to be in the top 10. This scene alone: