
At least just keep the water. There’s no need to pour it out.

Nah, you can’t vote for Sosa anymore. He just looks like a large pink lemonade now and I won’t fucking stand for it.

Somebody went to Subway and feels like they need to lie about it.

why the FUCK do you insist on making “dem’s” possessive

It’s really a testament to the difficulty of patching the Spectre exploit. Speculative execution is so fundamental to how modern processing is done that it’s really, really hard to patch without staggering performance losses or fatal glitches.

Get informed.


Pretty disingenuous to go “teh OMG LOOK AT RAM PRICES” when it’s the advent of a new standard that isn’t yet mainstream enough to go down in price.

Congratulations to Gawker for being the most-masturbated-to 404 of all time #theblogthatcouldnt #weareAJsgarnishedwages

lmao the way Jalopnik grapples with everything

Same. I expect this game is just the same as Setsuna, not worse, but some of the shine (which I never saw in the first place) is gone. You know, it’s one of those things where sure, Final Fantasy takes its knocks for changing the formula at least every third game, but this is what happens when you don’t do that:

I Am Setsuna felt mundane. Everybody slow-jerking it to “HNNNG A REAL THROWBACK RPG GUH” when it’s so easy to just go PLAY an old RPG. Why buy new Surge when you have the memory of the old? It won’t be the same, because it can’t be.


Mmkay, so is now the time to talk about the makeup ad equivalent of this shit? Or we waiting 5 more years?

Why didn’t you cover Chappelle’s remarks on CK and others?

Huh. Okay...

Huh. Okay...

The doll still thicc tho