The Mortiest Morty

Upstream Color - 'plenty are more perplexed than entranced by it'

Nils Lofgren's Black Books at the end of the episode when Carmela visits Meadow at school.

Uretha Franklin; arbiter of good taste

14? Truly this is the darkest timeline….

Upvoted for great Internet ethics.

Upvoted for Mishima!

Oh you mean Frank Black's 'Teenager of the Year'?

He'll tell you all his secrets but he lies about his past.

What are birds? We may never know.


Kinja was designed by the same people who designed the Vaults in Fallout.

That theme is my ringtone and it's the best thing ever.

Glenn Howerton: Japanese clothing line enthusiast?

LOST. Look in your hearts people and you know I'm right.

Yea … Season 2 is a tough call because it contains the series' best and worst episodes and ideas. Wyndham Earl boxing up a hobo in a giant chess piece; ridiculous (not in a good way), but Wyndham Earl luring Dale Cooper into Hell is awesome.

But I'll downvote you, just to be a shit about it.

As someone stated above - The movie is a criticism of film criticism (the more out there and/or masturbatory the better) and people's obsession with their theories.


Awwww Jeez I got to get back to the party…. sorry man

Well Rick did Croenenberg that whole universe…