
Humanity needs to learn from this. If we are to be ready for the zombie outbreak/invasion of aliens/robot uprising/presidency of trump we must cannabilize our weaker friends and family. With only one candy per person, (4 if we imprison them first) we have a long and arduous fight ahead of us...

People are cool. Sometimes too cool. I wanna be cool one day :/. I think a key part in this is being confident in going with what you’ve made. I critique myself too much though. Well played everyone

I’m actually let down with the lack of creativity haha. Come on people! GET YOUR MIND IN THE GUTTER!

I chose yellow and got my friends to simply cause it will feel even better to take something as the underdog haha

Love seeing something I love, bringing people together for a good cause. Always a nice thing to have these positives in such trying times.

Onyx, just in time for pokemon go. What a champ

Does anyone know when Go Plus is supposed to release? I have it pre ordered at a gamestop nearby but they are only ok at communicating things like thjs.

This is how I learn

ioh-yo-yo ioh-yo-yo wololo!

Being an early adopter of the Xbox One, (I know I know, my choice) after everything... I can’t help but feel like I’ve taken a slap to the face from the kinect debacle. I paid a premium price ($500) for the console with kinect. I’ve been content with the console but after years of every game coming out looking

Got one of these for my birthday, hands down an all around positive thing. Feels good, plays good. Money well spent.

Got one of these for my birthday, hands down an all around positive thing. Feels good, plays good. Money well spent.


Bravo to blizzard and all the other game makers who take the time to pay tribute to the people like they have. it’s always touching and nice to see, especially in the times we live in today

Everyone can agree that no material item is worth risking your life over. As the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20. In that second though, he made the decision to try and due what was right, a good and selfless deed. Which ended his life. So let him always be remembered as just that. A good and selfless human, willing

Good list. I’m glad growing up I got to play a good amount of these, because if I hadn’t I don’t know if I would call myself a gamer to this day!

I’ve only recently noticed your articles here in the past week, but so far I’ve been enjoying them! Keep it up!

It just surprises me that they could get away with releasing and leaving things so broken. Especially on one of the heavy hitting consoles, I would expect a huge backlash. I’ve heard snickering in the past but always thought it was just over the usual jankiness in most of Bethesda’s open games. I haven’t gotten my

Thank you, makes sense all in all.

legitimate question, no snark. With the Playstation being a more powerful console and then the step away from the cell, I just assumed this kind of stuff would go even smoother than they do on xbox. What is it that causes the huge difference in how mods work/play on the consoles?

Well, now I gotta buy the 1st Banner Saga. I knew I should have grabbed it on sale a few weeks ago haha. Really excited about this though. My ancestry runs back through Iceland and Norway so this Norse stuff, along with be I ng a brutal turn based strategy game is right up my alley!