
Yeah I guess I can look forward to the PvE. Thanks for pointing that out. I still have hope, just wish something much didn’t get mottled down by higher ups that just see the $$$.

I highly enjoyed this game in the beginning. Yet with each patch adding in content they break the game, where you’re either forced to exploit it to keep up in pvp or be steamroller. Idk. Maybe one day I’ll get back into it :/

BLINK 182!!!!

Pokemaster, here I come.

Sometimes I feel like I’m ready for them to be done making “new” pokemon. I have a dream pokemon game, arena battle style in real time and such. But this one just has something that makes me want it so bad. SO I’LL TAKE IT!

I need this game in your life and I need it to be so good. It’s gonna be a hard choice for me though, my ancestors were Vikings but I love Japanese culture haha. Choices, choices.

I know it’s SUPPOSED to be out br his summer. Still though. Glad I’m not the only one who has been anxious about it haha.

I love Don’t Starve! I naturally gravitate towards sci-fi so this is exciting news for me!

I love getting excited about games at a console launch... and then not seeing it for years. Looking at you Below and Crackdown 3...

Despite all the hate I’m overly stoked for this game.

Can’t go wrong with anything related to mega man legends

Haven’t played since the first horizon. Looks like a good one to jump back into.

Being raised mormon as a child I just want to say I appreciate your name haha. I assume half life “The Free Man” right?

Sci fi souls type game. I would love it so hard.

That’s the thing. I love sci fi. I’m especially a star wars junkie. Even beyond that tho I just love this stuff so it sorta surprises me I don’t have much interest. It may just be me feeling burnt out on fps games. I’m willing to give it a shot but think I’ll hold off for a sale.

I can’t argue with that in the least haha.

Too bad he jumped in on this one. Would have been cool to see him in one I was interested in. Who knows though, maybe it’ll be great?

My friend and I, unexpectedly, really got into the first one haha. so AWESOME.

This stuff always blows me away. Well done. *slow clap*

This is one of the things that makes me slightly embarrassed to consider/call myself a gamer. We have come a long way from where someone who played video games a lot in the 90's and early 2000's was considered a nerd/social outcast. It’s become more accepted and normal. Yet, just like anything that has a group of