You’re complaining about imaginary criticism. Nobody but Trump is clamoring for more carriers. Nobody really cared about the VC-25 cancellation other than the Air Force’s bookkeepers. Get out of here with the ridiculous straw man arguments.
You’re complaining about imaginary criticism. Nobody but Trump is clamoring for more carriers. Nobody really cared about the VC-25 cancellation other than the Air Force’s bookkeepers. Get out of here with the ridiculous straw man arguments.
LOL. Nothing we can ever say will come close to the disrespect Trump himself has shown for the office he holds.
Looks like nutenuftoys is butt hurt. I’m sure theres plenty of other autoblogs pro Trump who support his policies. The world is rooting for you to lead it and Trump had an opportunity of doing so in a different way. Not only is he not leading the world, hes the laughing stock of the world. Corporations, wether retail…
You keep clicking on the articles, dummy. Maybe find some other snowflake corner of the web where your precious biases go unchallenged
Yeah fuck all these people concerned with the environment! They act like we actually NEED the earth or something. ‘Murica would be just fine on its own without the LOSER earth
Aww, man, r u soo triggered?
boo hoo. trump fucking sucks. eat shit.
Without bounty hunters, poor people would never be able to post bail.
Wow, they should have opened fire as soon as he put his hand in his pocket, not tried to grab the gun or push him down. Bad reaction in my opinion. Either way, hope the family is doing well and glad no one else was hit.
Is anybody else tickled by the idea that Scaramucci was sufficiently boy-scoutish that he thought in order to take a job in the administration he’d have to sell his business? Did he not pay attention to the man he was helping elect?
Corporate Gigs and Private Parties are the best for stars. Lots of money, with so little effort.
Earnest ... tossed off fiery, radical lines like “I don’t agree with [Sean Spicer] ... but I’m rooting for his success.
Trump would pivot to being less batshit insane if he became President, too.
Right. I get that he has a viewpoint here and that’s great and all…
I could break the greatest story in American journalism history or I could hang with the Rolling Stones, doing blow and groupies...Nixon would’ve stayed in office if I was making the choice.
I’m actually surprised at how rarely you guys go in on Barstool. I hope you keep at it.
As someone who works with software engineers on a regular basis, none of this nomenclature is surprising, nor is it a big deal. That said, changing it because of the inevitable optics backlash from people who don’t understand that stuff like this is common terminology is a smart move, and it probably shouldn’t have…
This will covfefe the hell out of its enemies
“That’s the unfortunate thing about these brawls you have,” manager Bruce Bochy said. “Guys are running in and trying to break it up and here he gets hurt trying to break things up, so he’s down for a while ...
“We’re here to honor both baseball’s unwritten rules and America’s fallen heroes.” - New Era Cap Co.