Strickland is a total goon, yes.
Strickland is a total goon, yes.
Strickland is a goon.
Thanks for checking in, Ashley
I appreciated her steadfast refusal to learn or care about any sport the entire time she wrote for Deadspin. Will miss her unique voice.
Damn, Dom! I can’t believe you actually respond to these folks. Nice snowflake ref :)
I agree, this imbalance needs to stop. We need cars designed and built in America, like the Ford Focus, Buick Cascada or the Chevrolet SS.
New Yankee Stadium sucks. It’s monolithic and alienating, and makes the game on the field feel like an afterthought. The design of Citi Field is so much more open and welcoming.
What, and fuck it through the sheet? This isn’t some Orthodox Jew wedding night, I wanna see it all.
I’m with Tom on the Cooper S. Though I have to point out that the R50 was the base model. The Cooper S was the R53.
“Hey guys we need to pull of a heist, we need a car!”
I’m still hoping Boston trades the first pick to Toronto who takes Ball. I want to see anarchy on draft day at the Ball family table.
Show of hands: who now wants to see a picture of this agent?
Foreign intelligence is pieced together from many crumbs. You pick up a crumb here, get a little crumb there, and add it to your current crumbs and suddenly you have a much better picture of what your friend or adversary is doing. To continue with that analogy, it is extremely rare to find an entire loaf of bread…
My simpleton understanding is that very few people actually know the precise location of the subs. The captain (?) has a significant amount of leeway as to where they have the sub within whichever theatre they are told to be in.
An E-5 with a family of 4 would receive a housing allowance (~$2k/mo with dependents) in addition to his salary, in addition to a variety of other potential allowances. Most privates have a housing expense of $0. Military pay cannot be directly compared to private-sector pay for this reason.
Thanks for pointing that out. That being said we get paid a lot more than base pay so it’s a lot better. All the additional entitlements which aren’t considered income means a typical e-5 living off base is making far more. Plus, free healthcare, dental, TA, etc
Generally speaking, presidential candidates have a coherent plan, albeit one that gets stalled by political opposition.
Pres. Obama had the shovel ready jobs with the American Jobs Act - it was blocked by GOP congress (c.2011)
Not to this extent. In addition to the complete failure of his totally grandiose campaign promises, the hypocrisy about golf, FBI investigation, Goldman Sachs favoritism, draining the swamp, nepotism, etc. - almost every single item in his first 100 days plan was either a total failure, or he reneged on .