
I live 15 minutes away in the Beach Cities and laugh everytime they position this as some unforeseen act of God — as if El Nino himself went down there and filled their massive hole. Allow me to put my construction manager hat on and get technical for a minute — they dug a large hole just as the rainy season began,

The take would be vastly different today if the Celtics had won Game 1 or 2!

Dosages of hormones are extremely sensitive. It is vitally important that misleading information like this article is not taken as medical advice, given that those using this product should be consulting their physician in the first place.

Hormones and hormone treatments are attempts at changing or balancing chemistry

Why was the article written in such a way as to make the manufacturer/drug company out to be the “bad guy” or there was some sort of racial animus/fat shaming happening?

The gag is that most of the poor white people once belonged to Democratic households and felt that in the wake of NAFTA, “why bother voting Democrat when they’re like Republicans minus the religious bigotry I so cherish”. Please watch/read What’s the Matter with Kansas? to better understand white grievance politics.

Yes, please, I am here for the $20,500 Toyota 86.

As the token Mike & Mike supporter around these parts, I will say that while neither are scintillating, Greenberg’s nuance (aka waffling) is a lot more interesting than Golic’s single-mindedness. I am far more likely to skip listening when Greenberg is absent than when Golic is.

How about shortening the lineup to 6 players? How about creating a cadre of robots that throws 5,000 pitches per second to allow for simulation of the entire season? How about summarily executing all players from the 25 man rosters of any team involved in a game that exceeds 45 minutes? We must examine all available

They’re 2.7 seconds slower than average.

You are aware there is more than one pitch thrown in a game, right?


It’s more like, “Bennett is immature. Here are examples of that immaturity I am reporting, because that’s my job.”

You seem to imply that this is ironic, but I don’t see why that is.

Call me crazy, but I kinda wish more CEOs would just give it to me straight like that.

Its always interesting to see whether the blatant favoritism to women overrides the blatant favoritism to blacks in stories like these.

I’m questioning how much tunnel vision is going on here. The article cites stock prices and future viability, but as stupid as investor boards are they don’t boot the guy at the top just because he isn’t kissing up to them and making them more money. Either someone somewhere is seeing something we’re not allowed to,

Mr. Rampino seems like he’s fun at parties.

This is the reason you NEVER buy any used rental car. Those poor cars have been subject to real abuse.

Breaking News: Rudy Giuliani now calling for the abolishment of the TSA, citing executive overreach.