
Old habits die hard, I guess. But if the team really wanted this behavior to change, shouldn’t they have named themselves Atlanta Delta?

Nice to see that Trump supporters are fucking dolts regardless of ethnicity.

In the Indians on TV episode of Master of None they used Uncle Taj.

Curious: what percentage of the people at that rally you went to were born in India and immigrated here as adults, as opposed to being born here or raised here since they were children?

All over the country Sikhs were targeted for hate crimes and racial harassment after 9/11, because ignorant uneducated white people thought anyone wearing a turban must be a Muslim. You’d think some people would remember that. When xenophobia becomes rampant in society anyone with brown skin is targeted.

“We’ll fix it in post.”

“The lead up to the 2017 Geneva Motor Show had more leaks than a Russian diplomat’s Google Calendar American presidential candidate’s Moscow hotel room.”

Time for an Insurance Discount for all Manual transmissions....it’s the least annoying anti-theft device out there.

Way to not read or understand my comment... I award you no points and may God have mercy on your soul.

Maybe read it again.

When Darren Rovell comes begging you guys for a job, can you please require him as a condition of his employment that he respond to every single comment on his posts?

On the contrary, who COULDN’T have seen the Embrace Debate era ending like this??

My favorite part of the illustration is how peanut butter is fine yet nuts are not and thus they have drawn in freaking peanuts at the bottom... (which aren’t actually nuts but still) prenautbutter good! Implied Peanuts bad! Clearly someones liberal arts degree didn’t really teach them any basic facts.

The winner takes on Berman.

Gee golly, I wonder who will get cut more? The folks that went to school to pursue a professional career in broadcast journalism, or the former athletes that barely manage to put together two consecutive coherent thoughts?

Please let it be Dick Vitale.........Please let it be Dick Vitale.

This is a disaster.

Seriously, it’s fucking stupid to think that big oil/coal are sustainable industries going forward. This administration is a joke.

I’d kinda kill for a huge increase in oil prices. I know it would hit many financially, but the less trucks and SUV’s that I see the better.