To require someone to be patriotic is fundamentally un-American. The freedom to publicly state, I am ashamed of my country is the most American thing there is, from the very start of this nation. This is the same mistake made 50 years ago punishing the American act of protest, to make America better.
Players can represent their country only, apparently, if they’re willing to represent the version of the country in which U.S. Soccer is most interested in selling.
But is that running from the cops speed?
Imagine how many more shoes Nike can sell now that they can say “If the fastest man in the NFL wouldn’t take $1 million dollars to wear Adidas shoes, why would you pay for them?”
I would think the marketing people are ballistic that a million dollars wasn’t enough to get the fastest prospect to wear their shoes.
Nah. They’re going to to get all the press coverage that comes with making the offer on the first place. They get the publicity and they don’t have to pay out a dime.
Adidas must be fuming because he did it in Nikes
Counterpoint: She hired Magic as GM and Byron Scott as coach.
This comes up all the time, and every single time the answer is the same: over the last 10 years, the Patriots’ win % against the division is very nearly exactly the same as their winning % against the rest of the NFL (around .750).
On principle I am against using EMT vehicles to combat terrorism (or any other combat duties). They should be as neutral as Switzerland. They should have picked cop cars for this purpose.
Really makes my dad’s favorite way to threaten me, “I’ll hit you so hard your great grandkids will feel it,” seem way more fucked up.
“Unemployed man spends money on lavish vacation and we have the pictures to prove it!” FoxNews Sports1
Uh please don’t sell short the accomplishments the fine lawmakers of northern states, like Michigan and Wisconsin, have achieved in the last several years in the area of “Fucking over as many people as possible”
I lobbied the Georgia state legislature for ten years. Earl Ehrhart is without a doubt, the biggest shithead to hold elected office in that state. (And that’s saying something.) He generally views men as victims. His hot-temper and vindictive tendencies are not good personality traits, and they definitely don’t help…
Diana, I have praised you more times than I can count, but I just want to say the fact that you continue to dig and bring us non-stop coverage of a problem that is so out of control I can’t even begin to put into words....
I have it on good authority that Lorde was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961.
Yup, only $20 / month with a one-time setup fee of $49,800.
“a U.S. citizen of over 20 years”