
I once had a very similar weekend at Lake Tahoe but I bet it would have been way more fun with Carrie Fisher and Dan Aykroyd.

I loved it. I love the retro cut, I think the color is fabulous on her, and she’s the only one in Trump’s group that managed to look like an adult, rather than a 4-year old getting to pick out their own clothes.

I think he was confusing “they let you do it” with “you will get away with it.” I was once groped by a man in an authority position. I was afraid for my job, so I let him get away with it. It wasn’t the same as letting him do it.

Now playing

Penis fencing flatworms. Totally real and also totally SFW. Pro tip: If you want more information, google “penis fencing flatworms” and not “penis fencing.”

Tortilla Slapping may just be the cross-cultural phenomenon to bring us all together in these days of divisiveness.

Shit, is it cultural appropriate for me to slap someone with a tortilla if I’m white? Because I’ve definitely done it and I don’t want to be the bad person here.

Can anyone who reads Teen Vogue weigh in on what age it might be appropriate for? Obviously there’s a lot of variability in kids, but I’ve got no idea if its got stuff that would be inappropriate for (or is it too old for) a 9 year old? Thinking of my nieces...

It’s because they have to take so much time off set for bleeding and other woman stuff. It’s not discriminatory it’s just science.

the coffee cup analogy is perfect, I’m stealing it for future use.

One of the things we do in my Spanish/English study group is read a lot of children’s books. Revisiting a lot of those stories- and new ones in a foreign language- is highly disturbing. I’m creeped out by how much I internalized as a kid, even as a little girl not especially interested in princesses or being rescued.

I feel like that line was crossed when they started smearing their faces with the blood of their enemies.

My experience in the suburbs is that it’s a) newer growth, in which case it’s groups of cul-de-sacs separated by 6 lanes highways and about one billion SUV drivers that are so unused to seeing cyclists and pedestrians they’ll turn right without a first, much less a second glance; or b) older suburbs, with narrow

My experience with the ‘burbs is that there often is no place to play. There might be a really great parks, but they’re big and far apart rather than small and located within walking distance. Roads aren’t designed for cycling (for adults, much less for kids on bikes) so kids need parents to drive them to the park.

I’m with you on on this. If I’m Facebook friends with somebody who is a proponent of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, making fun of the disabled- that person and I don’t actually share any values that I consider important.

I hate it when my taco truck wall is actually a metaphor and not a literal wall.

Thanks for the years of shade, mom.

Get out of my mom’s brain; that’s creepy.

We’re neighbors! But I see Portlandia as a symptom, not the disease.

thanks for the advice! I am also a sweaty lady and I’ll cross the gender-deodorant divide for magic.

I don’t think the book is actually creepy, I just thought the title sounded creepy and I would definitely skip over it on the bookshelf if I weren’t already familiar with the premise and the author.