
Youre very unlikely to find a critical analysis of the allegations or Heard on Jez. Ive yet to see someone on here not regurgitate some slapped together piece Jez posted in Ambers defense. A piece that either leaves out a lot of info or misrepresents something they decided to post from Depp's side. Which effectively

I dipped out of the Pirates franchise after the second one. Whether he lost the role due to the allegations or not, Jack Sparrow is tiresome. It was in dire need of a reboot before the allegations were even made. 

We’ll see where the lawsuit goes. I’ll never not roll my eyes at Heard (or her lawyers) insistence that Depp is hellbent on trying this case in the media. Filing for the RO is the only thing she did thru any court other than her filings for his defamation suit. But for the near 3 years in between its been played out

The TV movie was, in some ways, better than the first movie. It just looks so fucking dated which is why I think the first film was so hyped up. It had its moments but overall it wasnt even that creepy. 

Her article was the first I read about these allegations. I cant remember everything at this point but I do remember not feeling I was closer to the truth of what happened after reading more about it.

Had the same thought. I dont have an opinion on their work or relationship but that was such an obvious twisting of what was said. 

Honestly. I didnt hear about Dylans accusations until a few years ago but knew about Soon Yi. Its gross as fuck. 

This dumbass should stand on a beach trying to turn away a hurricane then. 

Itll just switch from possible pregnancies to "do you regret not having kids" once she passes menopause. Then if she decides to adopt itll still be "do you regret not having kids" with "of your own" tacked on. 

Vast majority of people are hypocritical about one thing or another to some extent. I don't see the point in complaining about celebrity hypocrisy about any topic let alone one that I dont personally care about. Politicians, yeah. Royals and actors though, not so much

Yah, this is why I get tired of the hypocrisy “call outs”. A private jet isnt going to cause the carbon footprint of an SUV but its all relative. No one is perfect. And every person makes choices every day that negatively impact the environment when there was a better option. Lots of little things that add up when its

Maybe you can help as I was unable to find a quote from Harry or Leo urging people to not travel. The articles that popped up were about the more recent private jet controversy.

Nothing has been mentioned of their relationship that Ive seen. It is a bit surreal to know or be related to anyone who (allegedly) did something so terrible though. Regardless of closeness

Eric and Jared always make me think of the Gentlemen from that Buffy episode. 

What the fuck. I somehow managed to be blessed enough to forget that happened

Lol, god, cologne commercials always have that scowling “im a manly man im adventurous and interesting and rugged. Smell like me!!!” bullshit look going. Perfume ads arent much better with the pouty “im sensuous and seductive” thing. I genuinely hate these kinds of ads. I did like Jolies recent one for whatever

My mother is Filipino and while I dont identify as Filipino, I still know its part of me. I wasnt raised in the Philippines but the culture my mother grew up in contributed to how she is as a person and mother. And there is a sort of kinship when meeting Filipinos or their kids.

Of course its great to learn about and enjoy other cultures. Thats how we grow as a society and combat the “us vs them” bullshit thats running rampart. I think it can be done if someone genuinely likes the culture and the history behind something. Its a bit disrespectful to boil an aspect of a culture down to a

Didnt Warren identify herself as Native American for free/reduced tuition but otherwise had nothing to do with any tribe? And had very little Native ancestry to begin with? Maybe Im remembering it wrong

Wont be for awhile. His trial with Amber Heard is already scheduled for next February.