
At one point a few years after learning how to play guitar I decided I wanted an electric guitar and amp. I ended up buying an amp for a steal on ebay, sadly it didn't work when I got it. Went back to the auction page and there was a small comment at the end of the description that says "I think it works... sold as

It's a neat trick and one to add to the cool tricks to show my friends while camping, but I'd rather just have a small dedicated super loud whistle on me.


I forgot about the arbitrary limiting of iTunes to only run on the newest OS's in Mac OSX. That was a major frustration on an old PowerBook, that didn't support the newest OS upgrade after an iPhone purchase. I remember the irony of running the current version of iTunes on my 8 year old Windows XP desktop because

Meh, they're two very similar tools that can generally do what I need. I've used both for the better part of the last 20 years. If you're a hardware geek, it seems like PC's give you more options, but the standardization of Mac hardware means less weird hardware/driver bugs generally. If you care about gaming on a

I started trying to do this about 6 weeks ago. The first couple of weeks were kind of trial and error. The ingredient list is a biggie, keeping it simple definitely helps. I also keep a bag of white rice and noodles on hand as they're great filler if you end up with a couple of unexpected guests and want to stretch

I had a paper route as a kid and once I was 14 I got a job as a bag boy at a local grocery store to save up enough money to buy myself a computer. My parents refused to buy one as they thought they were a waste of money and a 'fad', this was in the 1992. I ended up getting a Macintosh Performa 600 with a 60MB hard

I do the same thing on my iPhone, it works surprisingly well if you have a steady hand and don't have a ton of stuff to scan in.

...slow clap... bravo troll, bravo......

Yes Please! to the hackintosh articles... not so much on the lovin... tonymacx86 is awesome though...

As someone who bought into the whole 802.11g format early and bought a wifi 802.11g "ready" Linksys router I had nothing but problems with it once the newer firmware started rolling out to fully support the 802.11G standard. If you can wait and don't need to be on the cutting edge just save your money and wait a for

If it makes you feel any better I'm pretty sure the gun didn't make you an asshole.

I tried it out a few years ago when I found out my Cannon PowerShot SX10IS wouldn't keep the shutter open long enough for some of the stuff I was trying to do. CHDK gave me the option to set it open for much longer and i was able to get a few pics of the northern lights up in Alaska.

I do love my 1st Gen G15, even if the blue backlight flickers occasionally now and the light for the monochrome flip up LCD is almost non-existant, it still works like a champ. I love having the macro keys, but I will say if each one had a small LCD screen that would allow me to create macros for Photoshop and assign

Plus if there is any old paint on the hardware by removing it, it's super easy to take a Dremel to to buff out the scratches and bits of paint. Anytime someone wanted to take a break from painting they could take a seat and buff the hardware with the Dremel.

Silly Satanists, if you really wanted to piss of Christians you should have gone the Athiest route. Apparently we're worse than _anything_.

I'm in Alaska, even with the butter bell I have to thaw it out sometimes...

Butter bells are awesome, just be sure to change the water every so often.... otherwise super gross.

I'm building a reprap 3D printer this summer and this is pretty much my plan. I'll spend two to four hours a week working on it (usually in 30 - 60 min increments) when I have spare time and by the end of the summer I should have it together and printing. Pretty excited about getting it up and running, with all the

I got rid of my printer about 15 years ago and have rarely wished I had one since. My mother has one and about the only thing she uses it for now is printing out line art cartoons for her grand kids to color. Since she got a laptop and smartphone she uses those where she would have used paper before. About the only