
I don’t know. Maybe my perception of what it means to “out” somebody or to be “outed” is narrower than most people’s, but I tend to think of it as something that requires a more intimate knowledge than what I remember transpiring on the show. Basically, what I remember is that she voiced a knowing suspicion that

For years, Lana’s occupation was being a talking head on the annual [somewhere, anywhere] Natalie bio-documentaries and gossip shows (Lana had her own history of salacious “I-dated-so-and-so” stories, too).

The fact that we live in a country where you can be made homeless over CANCER TREATMENTS disgusts me to no end

Is it surprising? It’s not unusual for the less favored offspring of a bully to be super thirsty for their parent’s approval. I imagine that’s especially true when you still rely on them for your livelihood/career as an adult.

I mean... dude, I’m an atheist who grew up completely secularly with atheists parents and I think of religion as a net negative on human society precisely because it seems to stymie critical thinking, but... people need a narrative, y’know? The reason nihilism never really caught on is that, you know, say what you

Don’t you know? Racists are a protected class now— calling them ‘racist’ means YOU’RE the real racist for pointing it out!

Did you go to Loyola? Just guessing since I’m from the area.

I don’t think you can say that religion is the only filter modern people use. It is indeed a strongly-held one but people use so many filters in everyday life. I am not a religious person. Most of my friends are Jews or Catholics or, like me, not people

White -fuckin’-nationalist.

Go ahead. Sue me, bitch.

I mean, I feel like if you get two old rabbis in a room and ask them what the nature of God is, you’ll get five hours of discussion, ten bad jokes that are somehow way more smutty than you’d think, and at the end of it both sides will have somehow switched position and be arguing just how wrong their old views were.

No major religion, and certainly none of the Abrahamic options, are designed to welcome curious, articulate, critical thinkers

Full sincerity here; we’ll miss you and your writing here. I’m continually sad to see so many brilliant writers leaving this place, but I understand. It’s tough watching this place get slowly defanged and made increasingly mainstream and Voxian, but damn if you all aren’t magnificent at what you do.

Many of us olds became sexually active during the AIDS epidemic. Everyone was DYING it was awful and most of us would never consider condomless sex. People were dying from blood transfusions, and babies dying from breastmilk. So our perspective is different, the next generation saw HIV become a chronic illness for

I’ll admit to having laughed at comments denigrating the place but I think those poll numbers show that people in New Jersey are smarter than the general population. At least only 17% are idiots, compared to the 37% national average.

It’s not so much that they like ‘outside politicians’... if that was the case, they’d be flocking toward Green Party and Independent candidates. These people like BULLIES. They take malicious enjoyment in the fact that others are being unrepentantly beaten up on — very similar to WWF fans (except these people are

We could call it GGWG - Good Guys With Guns. Nothing like throwing LaPierre’s own words back into his face.

The worse thing is that they have decided that NRA=2nd Amendment.

I literally had a conversation with my gun-loving Texas family members (who own land and need guns to kill feral hogs) about why it wouldn’t be a big deal for them to have to register their rifles (ARs for feral hogs are pretty standard), show why they needed them(owning land), and have them checked/updated/licensed

I say this only semi-seriously:

Wasn’t a marriage in front of the Old Gods so the Boltons overlooked it but Lady Mormont later brought it up when she declared for Jon Snow

“The population breakdown supports this move, not because of hate, but because of relateability.”