
It could bring less information about Josh’s Ashley Madison behavior. And the fact that Josh’s behavior is more evidence that all of their claims about purity are built on a foundation of lies.

Are you familiar with the character of Wonder Woman? Nothing Gadot said is exactly shocking or any kind of departure from the comics.

But that guy got arrested. Who can forget his sad face in his mugshot?

And Spencer’s been both punched and glitter bombed.

Yep. He was loving enough to finance her lifestyle and leave her a fortune. I guess for her it was worth it.

Thank you. This is a very helpful comment to understand both the official replies, and how asinine our immigration laws are.

It’s too bad that wasn’t what they did because the idea of turning ugly produce into juice seems viable.

I don’t think they were seriously trying to combat food waste, though. It sounds more like hippy dippy vegan pseduoscience health motivation.

I’m curious about how good the juice actually tastes, though. It’s too

Silicon Valley/Venture Capital
I live in Silicon Valley, and I don’t like seeing the two grouped together. I’m in a pretty boring run-of-the-mill tech job for a pretty boring mid-sized company that no one’s heard of, and my general experience isn’t any different from when I lived in other progressive cities across the

And it’s easier to negotiate for time flexibility. Many things about my post-partum time period sucked courtesy of my company screwing me over on maternity leave. This meant I only had access to unpaid FMLA leave, so I went back to work after 6 weeks. But I was able to do this because I had established myself enough

The teen pregnancy rate is great news. It’s a shame that conservatives can’t see that liberal social policies actually accomplish the aims they claim to want. Comprehensive sex ed and access to birth control decreases abortion and teen pregnancies.

And of course, the best way to get the birth and marriage rates up* is

It’s also no longer a consensual encounter if he’s non-consensually videotaping it! (what are NH laws about that? Is he actually admitting to breaking a law?)

I’ll defend those tweets. She’s factually correct in the latter and the former is a totally reasonable, exasperated response phrased in “I” language. There’s nothing threatening or insulting to men as a generic group in them. They are so not even comparable to the Red Pill mess that it’s ridiculous to have to say that.

I think Sanders brings nothing to the table. He’s been a divisive force post-election, which is the absolutely not what the party needs nor what he was supposed to be doing. And it’s not because he’s too socialist—he’s alienated many progressives with his tone deaf comments about civil rights. I think there are

Of course. They’d be foolish not to. You don’t give intelligence to proven untrustworthy hands, especially because they know that all the old rules of foreign relationships are out the window. They can’t rely on the US for anything right now.

Yeah, I thought she made good points. The article was framed as sympathetic to Howard and Henson’s arguments, but Mo’nique was right. Her performance was on screen and what she was supposed to be evaluated on. Why did she need to campaign? Why does anyone need to campaign? Heck, Anne Hathaway’s career—or at least her

I really don’t think that was true around the time of Precious. Mo’nique was a household name. She hasn’t done as much since (hmm...), so it may be true now.

Mo’nique is not a nobody! Around the time of Precious, she was a pretty famous comedian—one of the handful of comedians with household name recognition.

If she’d lost, I could understand studios not wanting to work with her due to her press junket problems. But she won, and Precious got its success and critical acclaim

What’s your basis for arguing that the Democratic Party has no plan beyond Trump? Democratic politicians typically have a slate of wonky policy proposals that get no traction in the media but actually work. I’m not sure why you believe that to have suddenly changed.

I know that seems sky-high, but that’s actually quite the decrease among his base. That’s good to see because I wasn’t sure any of this news was having an actual effect. But it looks like he is starting to fray around the edges.

Yeah, I think that’s why Ryan and McConnell are so in the tank for Trump. It doesn’t make much sense otherwise. Trump is clearly not going to stop screwing up. They can’t enjoy working with him, and a full-on dictatorship or Putin puppetship isn’t great for Congress either. I shouldn’t pretend I understand their

This is also why I get annoyed when people dismiss female movie stars discussing the pay inequity. Yes, they’re often still incredibly wealthy. But in addition to a pay gap still being unjust, it’s also a matter of amassing power. The more female stars who have the type of money to create production studios and