Sir, do you have a permit for that scorching hot take?
Sir, do you have a permit for that scorching hot take?
They’d better figure out a damn good explanation because in real life you’d never see a scenario where 15 years pass and four friends don’t remain as close as ever.
It was Uncle Leo
Complaints about “violating his First Amendment Rights” from people who don't understand the Constitution in 3...2...1....
What, no Wes Janson?
Ton Phanan and Face Loran. Snarky, cute, tragic bromance... the fanfic writers would go buck wild.
Everybody except Corran Horn. When I speak of “Rogue Squadron,” it’s actually Wraith Squadron I want to see.
Yub yub, commander.
This list is missing a critical entry: Kettch. C’mon, James.
The best part is her HUD labeling all of the Belters as “Low Threat”
You have to look back now and all those fucking idiots in 2016 who insisted that Trump somehow would be better than Hillary Clinton as President and wonder what the fuck they were thinking.
Couple of things I loved about this episode...
Had the protesters been “Libtards,” half of them would’ve been arrested and/or shot by now. The Capitol Police is no different than your average police department.
This seems like a lot of worry about Star Wars canon in Disneyland, but sure.
Jokes on you, this is a coin commemorating George Orwell and the state sponsored fact that Tripods have always had four (4) legs.
THANK YOU. I’ve been saying this for years. His style is so aggressively adolescent and his themes are so boorishly immature that watching his films is like listening to a grade school playground at recess. A howling cacophony of anger, posturing, threats and lies. Nothing he produces any real substance to it because…
The Dudebroverse
I am so sick of this garbage movie. I’m so sick of Fisher’s vague insinuations. Super sick of Snyder fanboi who are sure this four hour joyless slog will be better than Citizen Kane. I get HBOMax for free, and I’m not spending any time in February watching this. For all of WW84’s flaws, I’d rather watch that a dozen…
I’m having very similar issues with the Fast and Furious franchise people which is why I haven’t appeared in any. AND I WON’T.
There’s something perfectly DCEU about this in how all these stars have been telling us how awful an experience it was without detailing a single actual allegation of what happened.