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This is the IPhone me.

I hope Bjork comes back

Its more likely to happen in the fall actually, and it will be as awkward as it sounds.

Is Romney coming in now?

She's a cradle robber. Things are looking good for DaveTheDouchebag.

Jeff'/Britta/Abed story from Communication Studies will always be one of favorites. So much BCI.

His biggest mistakes were telling Cersei he knew about her and Jamie (no excuse there, just stupidity) and not letting Joff take power and just running away back to Winterfell.

Yeah Evil Abed was completely a figment of Abed's imagination. If he was actually from another timeline or a real character I would have more of an issue with it

This season of 30 Rock has sort of come out of nowhere - its been much better than the past few seasons, even if I don't watch all that closely as I do Community, of course.

season 1 part 1 is underrated - it is remarkably consistent while at the same time giving us some classic episodes in 107, 109, and 112.

also I suspect if I gave the episodes numerical grades and then ranked them maybe Season 2 Spring would be last like you have it, but because of HOW great the concept episodes are, and the fact that I think that there were more classics than Season 3 Fall had, I have to rank season 2 part 2 higher.

Interesting, thanks for sharing. I haven't actually tried to quantify my favorite by episode aggregation, but in general my favorite semester has to either be Fall 2010 or Spring 2010. 2010 was a crazy strong year for Community.

agreed with you about the visually striking thing - can't wait for this episode. Also why I am looking forward so much to Impressionists. I can honestly say that I haven't been looking forward to an episode as much as I am to 312 in a long time, and that promo scene and promo pics make it seem like it is going to be

also from production schedules I remember the John Hodgman episode coming after the L&O one so that is the group therapy one I'm pretty sure. I suspect that the group gets expelled at the end of 317 or at the start of 318 and that explains why the title of the episode is the way it is.

yeah the end of the Jeff timeline was very spine tingly for me, but I didn't get the same feel from the end of RHM.

based on the titles http://neogaf.com/forum/sho…
I think 315 is video game or dreamatorium and 316 is the annie/britta and jeff/shirley carnival ep

I see what you're saying @avclub-7fd1d5cec910c61b1864a51eb7e18cbc:disqus but I think in terms of season 3 poignancy, 308 was relatively good on that scale. There hasn't been enough emotion or deepness to a lot of the episodes for me but I think 308 is one that does a decently good job about it. An episode like Modern

june i think?

the only flaws for me are the Pierce trailer scenes