
yep! it was awesome, that was my favorite part of the episode, didn't notice it my first watch. just great.

I like Bio 101 quite a bit but I also prefer 201. 301 was held back just a bit for me because I didn't like Prof Kane or the cops really.

'too clever by half, Jeffrey'

yeah it has definitely jumped on every rewatch for me, as has Biology 101, the latter of which has Jeff's best performance of the season.

I just rewatched 308. Damn Megan Ganz is amazing.  her episodes just have the sharpest start to finish dialogue.

@Loki100:disqus you should listen to the new rob podcast with Richard Hatch when you get a chance, it's pretty awesome. He talks at length about his legal troubles and his perspective of Colton as a gay man, it's pretty interesting stuff.

wait there are people who didn't like the musical intro?

the FX summer block this season is going to be VERY interesting. Louie of course, Wilfred which is getting dark, some other show, and this Charlie Sheen show he has coming out. If they really make something dark for Sheen I think it could actually be decent. FX has earned that trust. I'm thinking the same thing for


@avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus I hear you, but to be fair there have been three months of near universal positivity, so it is only natural that discussions turn in a more holistic direction. but yeah, I see your point.

yeah their live show wasn't great but I definitely love their first two mix tapes. The album wasn't as good IMO

like that cool new bus driver!

haha @avclub-b476828992f393a09339cf6270d30aa8:disqus I love Das Racist. I saw them live in Houston last year.

well, I mean, I think everyone is excited to see how the stories pay off, but that doesn't mean you can't have issues with how the 'problems' that will pay off later on have been presented.

I think he is a creative genius but I also think a lot of credit for the show itself has to go to the great writers and the Russos in season 1 - it really helped him get his footing in creating the world, especially at the start. he had to learn how to translate his vision into a sitcom.

maybe you shouldn't have broken up with him you selfish, jaded ASS!

I mentioned it earlier in terms of possibly being something that happens in the 'evil timeline' but what do people think about the 'We're going to sleep together' line from Jeff and Annie in Biology 101? Personally I think something is going to come of it. Harmon knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote that. My

video from WonderCon - not great quality, but in case anyone cares to watch:

yeah I have felt this way since APS. he's grown on me though