
also, we don't really know how much the writers actually write for each episode. For example, CFS was credited to someone else, but Dan Harmon basically wrote the whole thing. Plus Harmon majorly rewrites all of them and they all come up with the ideas together. But of the current writers, McKenna and Ganz are

yeah, he did, you're right, I take it back, Mixology is amazing.

haha, and I'm sure he is kidding about Andy Bobrow, but he really doesn't have  a very good track record

I was looking through Chris McKenna's twitter feed, and someone asked him when his next episode that he wrote was going to be, and he said:

Joel McHale ‏ @joelmchale

ha thanks for this, I didn't even notice Leonard was crying when I watched it.

they have really good mad men reviews

ha yeah, they are full on into the 1960s now.

Alison Brie in new promo pic for season 5 of mad men:

me too, but I don't even know where to start watching Doctor Who. Im confused by the whole thing.

well we've already seen from promos that they will be showing the Subway logo in the school at some point. I just hope it's minimal

well I didn't mean the making fun of Chuck thing. I meant the fact that Subway is now paying for Community product placement the way they did with Chuck (well I think they did right? I never watched chuck)

there's no way they said Subway twice by accident. Its already a Chuck situation.

I love rooting against Duke. they've had a lot of fun exits the past 8 or 9 years. if it wasn't for some questionable officiating there could have been two 15 seeds AND a 16 seed winning. pretty cool.

was this the 'There's a lot of subtext here' moment? that was hilarious

- I loved the look of pure glee Pierce had on his face when laughing/yelling at his father's grave at the end of the episode. Great acting by Chevy this episode.

well Ive gone one step further in the creep thing - I think he is actually back with his girlfriend. I've seen him tweeting back and forth with @erinmcgathy lately who I am pretty sure was his ex.

@avclub-b1ef00d12df9bd49c8c9718c39df0771:disqus I agree that there is an underlying sentiment of whether people prefer Annie or Britta in the comments, but for me at least, that has absolutely nothing to do with who I prefer with Jeff.

dude you're just mad that your stereo business SUCKS

anyone else think Troy and Abed just got really stoned in the Dreamatorium?