
it was tribes split by gender with both tribes living on the same beach - it's a pretty interesting setup and the season has been pretty good so far

oh no problem, you didn't say anything spoilerly, just wanted to make sure you didn't spoil the boot.

or how she played Britta, as she got to be more and more her natural self (as the writers figured out how goofy she was)

I've been watching my blu rays of season 1. love the show. can't wait until April 1 for season 2.

oh you watch too? a few of us discuss the show here every week the day after it airs, so we should wait until everyone's seen it - but very enjoyable episode.

do you sing 'Kiss from a Rose' in your dreams?

does Canada have its own wrestling organization or did you watch WWE and stuff?

yeah, I'm sure they were being as careful as they can be. Unfortunately HBO is not in the business of negative press and especially with animals there is low tolerance for this stuff once it gets public. sad.

yeah sounds like some bad luck, The one yesterday broke its neck when it fell down  and was euthanized.

according to reports the rate of death is still lower than what is seen in major horse barns or horse tracks, but of course being an HBO show every death is going to attract attention. It's sad to think how many more horses die in the real horse racing world.

the Pop Culture one really is amazing. Ive probably watched it like 5 times already. I love the intercut of Jeff's speech, the music, and the title card sequence at the end.

yeah there was another horse death yesterday, 3 total. pretty disappointing, I had hoped this would develop into a great series, though I haven't watched yet. too bad.

@avclub-7fd1d5cec910c61b1864a51eb7e18cbc:disqus yeah I think they get money too, though there may be a limit on that in years. not sure.

the dad in Good Times died.

I'm pretty sure @tossin:disqus  is just waiting for everyone to leave so he can take over.

yeah I have the same feeling. Sort of wish the deal started in Fall 2012 but that wouldn't really make sense for CC without more episodes I would think

in renewal news, CBS just renewed EIGHTEEN SHOWS. dear god that network is a machine.

also as awesome as this is for US because it nearly guarantees a season 4, let's not forget that this is awesome news for Harmon. Syndication money is real money. he deserves it. Also glad that the cast will be getting residuals for hopefully a long time.

I am pretty surprised Community got a package sold before Parks. Sony loves to make money and that is great for Community.