
i can't stop smiling.

Schadenfreude Friday will soon be replaced with Renewal Friday. They'll be singing about the day for a hundred generations.

Yeah, I assume no syndication deal is made without an idea of how many episodes there will be as part of the package. NBC, Sony, and CC were probably all involved in discussions and I would guess NBC has assured CC that there will be a certain amount of episodes.

it's pretty much a guarantee for a season 4.


I agree. Annie has something going on with everyone.

that hallway scene is great. Come to think of it - Troy/Annie is something I wish they would explore more. I know we say that about most of the multiple possible character combinations but I definitely enjoy they way their relationship has changed since early season 1 and it would be nice to touch on that again -

@avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus ha yeah that's definitely true, both seasons are among the best seasons of tv ever. I just think that sometimes people dismiss season 1 as just setting up what was to come later but Season 1 is pretty damn amazing in its own right.

ha, gotcha.

@avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus yeah, I'm with you - Janine's last paragraphs got me pretty emotional too.  I feel comfortable saying that this was probably one of the best reviews in the whole series, and better than most people who do this for a job!

I think season 2 has more 'A' episodes but as a whole season 1 of Community is nearly flawless and fits together pretty damn perfectly. I agree with @avclub-09a0aabb73e345f3b2ad865bc4fc1b28:disqus that it is one of the best seasons of TV ever. you've convinced me.

this entire season 1 review series has made me very nostalgic for season 1 and has made me appreciate some episodes, including the finale, in a way I had never really thought of.

ha, what is that in response to? I can't find your comment in context. stupid disqus.

@Automatic_Taglines:disqus so do you think that

also - there are only 10 episodes listed there, and only one air date left (May 24th) - so it appears that the Season 3 finale will indeed be one hour long (?).

my guess for that that episode is :

@Automatic_Taglines:disqus yeah that's the title that confuses me too. I can't really place what episode that is supposed to be.

wow, this was a great review. All of these reviews have made me really appreciate how amazing season 1 was.

ok, im really confused by some of those titles.