
It's time to party like it's Debate 109

please post early thoughts!

well basically he's right in a way - if Newt had dropped out already Santorum would have won both Ohio and Michigan. Newt and Rick are splitting the Anti-Mittens vote and that's helping Mitt.

@avclub-40a361016a9a8b76b459433f0509bc31:disqus yeah Weiner takes that shit very seriously. For Season 4 the NY Times spoiled that they were coming back in 1964 and he was beyond furious. I doubt that he lets anyone see the first episode in advance before the AMC premiere this time.

Oh, I was just mentioning shows that you said you still needed to see, for some reason I thought you hadn't seen F and G

nothing brings out the schadenfreude in me than a night when Mitt Romney loses. Love to see them scramble.

oh and if you're looking for a quick watch - Terriers is amazing. that's the best one-season wonder in years.

@avclub-7fd1d5cec910c61b1864a51eb7e18cbc:disqus I would add Veronica Mars and Friday Night Lights to your must watch series list. oh and Freaks and Geeks. Freaks and Geeks is a show where I love the characters as much as the ones in Community

haha @avclub-09a0aabb73e345f3b2ad865bc4fc1b28:disqus that Kings series really did  a number on you. It's too bad - the NBA right now has the most talent since the early 90's.

I actually expected this to happen from the start. We've already seen the story of Don's failed marriage. Honestly I was expecting to fast forward to AFTER he had already broken up with her.

I've heard the last

yeah, Missing has no chance.

I think there were more during December, but then the numbers went down to a core group of maybe 30-35 in January and February and in recent weeks we seem to have added 10 or so regular posters.

I mean for about the past month we have averaged 3500 comments a week. For most of those weeks that could be more than every other show on TV Club combined.

Community as a whole is a boon to this website, as evidenced by the number of articles they write with glancing references to Community to try and get page views.

I feel pretty good when it comes to spreading the Community love. I started forcing people to watch it in season 1 and know probably about a dozen people that watch the show directly because of me forcing them to. I'm pretty forceful when it comes to a show I know people will love. I did the same thing when I first

I like how all of these pop culture sites know that anything Community related gets them tons of hits and seek out interviews with the cast.

yeah, that was one of those things that probably doesn't read accurately on the page, Im sure she said it as a joke. Annie is anything but a slut

Im looking forward to the heist episode and the courtroom episode too. And the therapy episode. pretty much all of them.