
' It’s a good thing for Annie to reel it in and not be such a slut, all the time. She gets more focused on school and her friends. There’s a great episode with Annie and Abed (Danny Pudi) that takes place entirely in the Dreamatorium, and I think it’s going to be really awesome, but I’m not sure. I have yet to see it.

so Smash is doing pretty well. it's definitely being picked up I would say. So Smash and Up All Night are the only two new shows that will be picked up, right? (please god no Whitney or Chelsea renewal).

anytime someone says Jeff-Abed I'm paying attention. By far my favorite relationship on the show.

you're SO Britta, haha. love it.

awesome. Joel is the best about promoting the show.

I like FFPM a good amount but it is in spite of what I think is an over-reliance on Star Wars when it wasn't needed. Ive said it before but it seemed Family Guy-esque. I loved the group stuff though

the time the show went too far and nearly slipped into parody for me was in FFPM.

yeah, he's sort of a Debbie Downer about everything. I mean who hates Seinfeld?

yeah, Feinberg more so than Sepinwall. I kind of get where they are coming from, you want to make sure the show doesn't go too far off the rails with the 'wacky factor' but with the amount of time Harmon spends talking about story and characters and how you only go for the weird concepts if it serves the emotional

Libby better be there or no one will listen

and some discussion on whether Community might go too far up its ass or not, given that Harmon has said the rest season was going to be pretty weird. They both liked Urban Matrimony as a normal episode though. It's a short segment they spend probably about ten minutes on Community, worth a listen.

just listened to it. Some interesting discussion about the cast not going out for other pilots in pilot season and whether or not some of the cast members are taking bets on Community coming back or if they would rather move on to movies. Also they seem to think Community could do better vs basketball than BBT. we'll

yeah, I think so, I love Beer Bike, I go every year.

@avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus yeah I sometimes forget that I was a huge fan of hers before Community even started (did such a time even exist?), I was always impressed by her in Mad Men.

thanks for reminding me how much I like 1960's Alison Brie. you inspired me to go back and watch the clip from Roger and Jane's wedding.

yeah, I knew she was one of Alison's good friends.

alison's BFF juiliana guill is ridiculously hot too.

@avclub-b476828992f393a09339cf6270d30aa8:disqus I know a lot of other alums that like Community, we have good taste in TV.  It's so weird that there are two new colleges now, by the way. Martel isn't special anymore.

that's pretty awesome

SID. I was about to ask you the same thing.