
yep. haha small world. I always thought that was a pretty surprising distinction.

haha possibly - there are only a few schools I know of that have a college system.

haha yeah I was going to mention the Maher thing. he talks about how much he hated it.

@avclub-b476828992f393a09339cf6270d30aa8:disqus no don't get me wrong, I agree 3000 is awesome. great community feeling and for the most part it is awesome, I was just pointing out a minor downside which isn't even that bad really.

sounds like the Cornell of the South, except I think Cornell is probably a lot smaller in population. I just know that their student population ranks pretty high for suicide rate and general unhappiness as well

@avclub-b7a8211586995578af1a2a97cfd214ca:disqus it's not a black and white thing whether Dean Pelton is a  good Dean, nor is it clear whether there will be a two part finale. I should have said something about the Dean going both ways. bad example all around.

haha, bad example.

Is Dean Pelton a good dean?

@avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus more shows should do most things Community does

I went to a school with 3000 undergrad students, and I definitely felt like I saw the same people everywhere. I loved my college experience but I definitely think for better or worse you see the same people everywhere. This is usually great, but occasionally it gets annoying, like when you're walking anywhere on

yeah, that was the big Day 1 loss.

@avclub-40a361016a9a8b76b459433f0509bc31:disqus in the pilot JD has to respond to his first code and he hides in the closet for a second so he doesn't have to be the first person to show up and run the code. Bill Lawrence said the network pretty much refused to let him do that because it went against what they usually

oddly enough I think Scrubs is the most accurate representation of a hospital of any TV show (at least compared to the other options)

oh, ok, never mind, you're right.

well if I remember correctly, aren't they going to have to double up one week? I thought they were showing 12 episodes n 11 weeks.

I liked how he was used in ADAD and APS too. Celeb Pharmacology was the season 2 low point for Chang IMO

season 1 chang was the best version. they actually cared about him as a character.

@avclub-f0063baac3d62f59a0f27e4e9a29471a:disqus are you a Louisville fan?

I hope so. I think one of the cast members mentioned it as an episode they are excited about.

if they cancel Community I hope a flashmob engages in a guerrilla paintball war against 30 Rockefeller Center. and there will be nothing madcap or wacky about it.