
ha, it looks like they were filming The Science of Illusion when they shot that video.

it would be pretty cool if they pulled an HBO and announced a renewal the day after the first episode of this back half airs.

it was March 15 in season 1

@avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus I'm an optimist too. I was never in the 'we're not coming back!' camp that so many people were in when the hiatus was first announced. likewise I've been pretty confident about a season 4 as well.

yeah, It was pretty early last year, which is why it annoyed me when YNB keeps saying 'we won't know until May folks, that's when we find out every year!'


yeah, I know it will be renewed for sure. I'm a little surprised at the early announcement though. More annoyed than surprised, because if this is true, then it means every day that passes by without a Community renewal is that much more significant. My heart can only take so much. I was hoping for a few weeks of

at least it's not as bad as last year, when a Community episode had to go up against the combination of St Pat's Day AND the start of the tournament. That was Custody Law, which got 4.15 million viewers and a 1.7 demo.

Tracy Jordan's posse has proven to be untrustworthy in the past. I'm going to reserve judgement until Feinberg or Sepinwall tweets about it (because let's be real, our AVClub overlords aren't exactly fast with the news).

id be curious to even get something about Britta's home life now. does she have like nine roommates? how does she make ends meet? how many jobs does she have?

Annie's past would be fun to explore. I would love to know more about Britta in general. Her family, what she did between high school and coming to Greendale (we know some). There's so much to mine from this show I can easily see how/why Harmon wants to go more than 4 seasons

ha, come on now, after everything the show has done you're doubting them now? I'm not a big video game person either but I trust them. I mean, I'm not a claymation or Dungeons and Dragons fan either, and that hasn't stopped me from enjoying previous episodes.

oh ok it's BBT now? we need a SHORTHAND for the Big Bang Theory, that's how FUNDAMENTAL they are?

dude - why aren't you out trying to win Ann back?

Gillian Jacobs ‏ @GillianJacobs

Sopranos is better, in my opinion. It made The Wire, Mad Men, and Breaking Bad possible. It does have parts that drag a bit but overall it is excellent TV.

I definitely would be up to live streaming it eventually but I don't know about that first night, I want to watch it in a pure state of Zen. live blogging it the first time will take away from the experience, methinks.

oooh thats good no no juice

at least he/she thinks Community is the cheesy sort of funny??

haha yeah it is isn't it