damnit. i was going to post a 'guess the cold open' thread too, and I was going to guess Rush!
damnit. i was going to post a 'guess the cold open' thread too, and I was going to guess Rush!
agreed. also we can like comments here.
yeah, I actually had to go on ESPN.com and figure out what game he meant.
As amazing as that would be, Louis CK and Harmon are both egomaniacs (in the best way possible) and need to control every aspect of their show. They both live in the editing bay. But yeah, it would be awesome.
I said we write great jokes
that would be amazing. I just hope he wants to make another live action show and doesn't just go into an Adult Swim animation direction.
a lot of those lists depress me.
you're alright, Zack.
@avclub-194191c15060e323bb610faf147e1700:disqus what is your favorite Community episode
I flagged them too. its annoying though
the other thing I agreed with Todd on was that I really like when they make fun of the media in the show - that was one of the strengths of season 2 and 3. 'Media Blitz' is one of my favorite episodes. I think I've said this before here, but my #1 favorite episode is 'Fancy Party'
Soon steak and skittles guy and Parks will be torn asunder and unencumbered he will turn to this destiny - Community.
I'm in. I was out last night and I may or may not have checked this thread on my phone a few times last night. does that make me weird?
as someone who has been sucked into the Community youtube video rabbit hole before (you know, when you click one and then before you know it have linked to another related video and then another and then another) - there are always a lot of comments on some of those videos that are like 'what show is this from??'. Ao…
Just talk to your father Craig.
it really confuses me when TV critics dismiss Community and then praise Parks as the best thing ever (see Ryan McGee). A lot of these types of critics are in love with every single thing Ron Swanson does and will continue to defend the show as the best as long as Swanson does Swanson things.
Go to the modern family IMDB board sometime. It's quite scary. Some people honestly think its amazing
I'm in grave danger. Hee-hee