
all the politics talk, drug talk, and The Wire talk reminds me of one thing - Obama says his favorite show of all time is The Wire yet he has increased the war on drugs more than any other President. sort of lame.

I'm going to completely disconnect from all electronic devices and watch the episode with a hundred percent attention. alcohol sounds great too.

the important thing Im keeping in mind is not to judge the first episode back too harshly - its just one episode. Since I watched the show from the start and slowly, naturally realized how good it was, there were never super high expectations until mid season 2, really. Season 3 jumped to another level and when a show

I like the smell of marijuana

yeah it is a very tough choice. In the past Ive gone with Pacino also.

I was just thinking of that today. It may seem cliche or boring to say, but even though Jeff is the lead, he really is the most fascinating character. I mean, has there ever been a Jeff story that was BAD? the only one I could think of earlier was his story in Wine Tasting.

looking forward to seeing the promo put up online

Neil Goldman ‏ @GoldmanNeil New "Community" promo featuring @joelmchale and @RashisTVUgly tonite during "The Voice!"

Don't Keynesians believe in spending during a recession? I'm pretty sure Paul Krugman is a Keynesian. I didn't know there were Keynesian conservatives.

I also think actors should be judged by their prime. Like when comparing Pacino vs DeNiro you shouldn't think about DeNiro's role in Rocky and Bullwinkle.

I'm with @tossin  I think Williams is the better dramatic actor. I agree about Williams being annoying in a lot of his interviews and stuff Ive seen him in where is is manic and all over the place. I can't really remember what comedies Ive seen him in other than Mrs. Doubtfire. His take on the Genie in Aladdin is

wow I didn't realize Williams had been nominated for Oscars or GGs for 5 different movies before he won for Good Will Hunting. they were mostly in the late 80s/early 90s though.

I haven't seen many of them but I know that Robin Williams has a lot more dramatic roles under his belt that are acclaimed than Carrey. Also he has that Oscar. Im not a huge fan of the movie but he did well in it.

Glee is the answer when questions are wrong.


Community ‏ @nbccommunity

Olivia Munn had leaked photos as part of the same hacking scheme. She's also claiming the photos aren't her.

of course that what he is going to TRY to pull, but he has said so many different things in the primary cycle that it has completely ruined what little credibility he had. He's toast. Independents hate him (as do conservatives and liberals).

yeah I remember that.